Root version problem

Hi everybody,

so far I used Root Version v04.03.05. The problem is, when I’m starting an analysis program a colleague has written, the error message I attached as error_v04_03_05.txt comes up.
We found out that he always used Root version v04.01.04a to analyse his trees. Therefore I also tried to use this (his) version. The problem then is that I cannot run over my trees anymore. The error message attached as error_v04_01_04a.txt appears, if I try to access the tree.
In the first case there seems to be a problem with TGraph::Fit but I can’t find anything about it in the release notes. The second problem seems to be about accessing the leaves of a tree.

Does anyone know if something concerning these to things was changed between those versions?

Thanks in advance

error_v04_03_05.txt (2.51 KB)
error_v04_01_04a.txt (24.4 KB)

ROOT files with Trees written with v4.03 cannot be read with 4.01
