ROOT Version and Delphi's


I use a macOS Monterey 12.6.3 and I work on MadGraph5 and Delphes for detector simulations. This week, I need to update my MacPorts, and my ROOT6 has been updated too( ROOT Version: 6.28/02). When I want to make some plot, I go to the Delphes directory and use the following command:


getting the following Warnings:
Warning in < TFile::Init >: no StreamerInfo found in /Users/franciscocasalinho/Desktop/MG5_aMC_v3_4_1/delphes-master/ClassesDict_rdict.pcm therefore preventing schema evolution when reading this file. The file was produced with version 6.26/10 of ROOT.

Warning in < TFile::Init >: no StreamerInfo found in /Users/franciscocasalinho/Desktop/MG5_aMC_v3_4_1/delphes-master/ExRootAnalysisDict_rdict.pcm therefore preventing schema evolution when reading this file. The file was produced with version 6.26/10 of ROOT.

Warning in < TFile::Init >: no StreamerInfo found in /Users/franciscocasalinho/Desktop/MG5_aMC_v3_4_1/delphes-master/ModulesDict_rdict.pcm therefore preventing schema evolution when reading this file. The file was produced with version 6.26/10 of ROOT.

Warning in < TFile::Init >: no StreamerInfo found in /Users/franciscocasalinho/Desktop/MG5_aMC_v3_4_1/delphes-master/FastJetDict_rdict.pcm therefore preventing schema evolution when reading this file. The file was produced with version 6.26/10 of ROOT.

Error in < TMacOSXSystem::Load >: version mismatch, /Users/franciscocasalinho/Desktop/MG5_aMC_v3_4_1/delphes-master/ = 62610, ROOT = 62802

How I can solve this?

You must rebuild (or download) Delphes using the new version of ROOT.