Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: v6.24.00
Platform: Centos 6
Compiler: provided by devtoolset-8: g++ 8.3.1
Hi all, i installed ROOT from the source file
i use the following command:
cmake -Dgdml=ON -Dbuiltin_gsl=OFF -Dmathmore=ON -Dpythia6=ON -Dpythia8=ON -Droofit=ON -DGSL_DIR=/home/jordi/genie_software/gsl-2.6/ -DGSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=/home/jordi/genie_software/gsl-2.6/bin/gsl-config -DPYTHIA6_LIBRARY=/home/jordi/genie_software/pythia6428/ -DPYTHIA8_DIR=/home/jordi/genie_software/pythia8304-source/ -DPYTHIA8_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/jordi/genie_software/pythia8304-source/include/ -DPYTHIA8_LIBRARY=/home/jordi/genie_software/pythia8304-source/lib/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/jordi/genie_software/root-6.24.00/ …/root-6.24.00/
Even though I read that installing it with devtoolset seems to have problems, I think it installed correctly:
So, my problem is when trying to compile the software (event generator) GENIE against ROOT, I know this a ROOT forum but I think the problem is related to ROOT (sorry if it is not ):
the issue is that I receive this error message:
Really appreciate any help because I can’t find information related to this type of error.