root: /usr/lib64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8’ not found (required by root)
=> Does this means that the path to the library is fixed in the compile code and it cannot use the that comes from gcc-4.9 and is listed in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
That’s due to the way that devtoolset “patches” libstdc++. We don’t support it for the time being. You’re likely better off with docker, a VM or a more recent distro.
Hi JM!
If you make the change to devtoolset “permanent” like having source /opt/rh/devtoolset-3/enable in .bashrc you could compile root with the new gcc but you should not forget that all further usage is tied to devtoolset …
For usage in a cluster within job submission you have to take care either to source your profile or to enable the devtoolset in the submission script
Hi! Yeah, i already migrated a small cluster for personal analysis to centos7 with the planning that after i am comfortable with it to migrate also the grid cluster. Given the latest trends in vectorization, FMV - Function Multi Versioning from gcc 6.4 i believe and also support for the new hardware a newer os + compiler is really needed…
The problem with SLC6 is that the system compiler (GCC 4.4.7) is too old, so it’s not enough to build ROOT. Since ROOT needs C++11, you need at least GCC 4.8.5 to build ROOT, but the ABI might be different than the system compiler, so everything that uses ROOT needs to be compiled with the same compiler.