Root threads

Hi there,

my application basically fills some histograms (of type TH1D) with double values. Actually these histograms are exported into files.

The ROOT framework seems to be starting some (two?) additional threads. What are they needed for? Can they somehow be avoided?


On which machine are you running?
On Windows, each canvas is a separate thread, not on Linux or Mac.
On Linux and Mac, you get 2 processes running if you invoke “root” instead of “root.exe”


On Windows, each canvas is a separate thread, not on Linux or Mac.
On Linux and Mac, you get 2 processes running if you invoke “root” instead of “root.exe”[/quote]

Just to be pedantic :slight_smile:

I’m assuming that by Windows you mean Windows VC++ and that Windows gcc acts like linux and mac. Is this true?




3rd try…

I’m using Visual Studio 2008 (C++) on Windows XP for application development. I guess the additional threads I was talking about are created in TWinNTSystem::Init(). Do I really need these threads considering the fact that in my application some histogram of type TH1D is just being filled (and never drawn). Is there a possibility of prohibiting the creation of these threads ( configuration, environment, initialization routines, etc)?


Hi karo,

There are two extra threads (in addition to the main one): one for the timers and one for the GUI (which is dummy if you don’t use GUI) and You cannot avoid them… What is the problem you try to solve? (aka why do you want to avoid these threads?)

Cheers, Bertrand.