My ROOT built used to work fine until two days ago. Suddenly, it’s now throwing these errors. I tried to download the most recent version and build it and am getting errors too (I made a separate post about that).
Here’s the error that I get. Any clues as to what went wrong?
(base) 12:03:03~/root/root_6.26>root
input_line_1:1:2: error: module 'Darwin' uses additional module map '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/darwin_posix_sys_types.modulemap' used when the
module was built
#include <new>
input_line_1:1:2: note: imported by module 'std' in '/Users/aregjan/root/root_6.26/root_install/lib/std.pcm'
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
Failed to extract C++ standard library version.
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
Possible C++ standard library mismatch, compiled with _LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION '1'
Extraction of runtime standard library version was: ''
input_line_2:1:2: fatal error: module file '/Users/aregjan/root/root_6.26/root_install/lib/std.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt
#include "cling/Interpreter/RuntimeUniverse.h"
input_line_2:1:2: note: imported by module 'Cling_Runtime_Extra' in '/Users/aregjan/root/root_6.26/root_install/lib/Cling_Runtime_Extra.pcm'
input_line_2:1:2: note: imported by module 'Cling_Runtime' in '/Users/aregjan/root/root_6.26/root_install/lib/Cling_Runtime.pcm'
Replaced symbol atexit cannot be found in JIT!
Replaced symbol at_quick_exit cannot be found in JIT!
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file '/Users/aregjan/root/root_6.26/root_install/lib/Darwin.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt
Failed to load module Darwin
Failed to load module std
Failed to load module _Builtin_intrinsics
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_C
Failed to load module ROOT_Config
Failed to load module ROOT_Rtypes
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_Stage1_NoRTTI
Failed to load module Core
Failed to load module Rint
Failed to load module RIO
Failed to load module MathCore
Failed to load module Hist
Failed to load module Darwin
Failed to load module Unfold
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: 6.26
Platform: Mac OS X Monterey
Compiler: clang version 13.0