ROOT on Juqueen (BlueGene/Q architechture)

Dear Rooters,
I have recently started to use the Supercomputing machine in the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC): … 36614B9C4C

It consists on a cluster of parallel nodes with a IBM Blue Gene/Q architecture.
In order to visualize and analyse the PIC simulations that I run there, it would be very convenient for me to use ROOT. That is what I use for my studies in the it-hpc at DESY.
However, I have tried to compile ROOT from source in Juqueen with no success.
I do simply define the ROOTSYS variable to the root’s source tree, go there, type ./configure and then make.
It is compiling fine for a while but it throws a segmentation fault at some point (I can include here the output).
Another thing I have noticed is that the configure script cannot find the fortran compiler (gfortran).

Has anyone tried to install ROOT in systems like this?
Any help or feedback would be very welcome.


what is the root version with which you are performing your tests?
Can you help us helping you with more informations about the issues you encountered, e.g. what causes the segfault?
I would also try right away to build with CMake and see if the issues are still there.


The Blue Gene/Q processors are 64bits PowerPC.
I asked to the Juqueen support team and they have also tried to install ROOT there.
No success.
They showed me a similar post in this forum:
[url]Compiling root on powerpc 64 bits
And it seems that is a know problem that CINT fails to compile in 64bits PPC.
I wonder what is the situation now with ROOT 6 and CLING…
Just trying now. I’ll let you know.

Almost there!
ROOT 6 was compiling flawlessly for a big while in a 64bits PowerPC machine using GNU compilers (version 4.8.1) until this point:

[code]Generating dictionary core/base/src/G__Core.cxx…
core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp -f core/base/src/G__Core.cxx -s lib/ -c
/homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TApplication.h /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TApplicationImp.h /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TAtt3D.h /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TAttAxis.h /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TAttBBox.h

… (a bunch of header files) …

-I/homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/LinkDef.h && touch lib/libCore_rdict.pcm
core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp: /usr/lib64/ version GLIBCXX_3.4.18' not found (required by core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp) core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp: /usr/lib64/ versionCXXABI_1.3.5’ not found (required by core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp)
core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15’ not found (required by core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp)
make: *** [core/base/src/G__Core.cxx] Error 1
There seems to be a library mismatch, but I do not understand why.
Any ideas?

Hi there,
Cold you please let me know if you funally installed root6 on juqueen?

I just need to install root [or at least static libRoot.a] there.

I tried to compile root6 using bgxlC_r and this pass was ok, however I did have some warnings and seg viol while trying to run root or any simple computing

So I switched to root 5.34 for which I have omp extensions a and first have to to fix the" cint 64 bit bigendian bug" , which is

vsk1006@juqueen1:~/r534/cint/cint/src $ diff value.h ~/r534_orig/cint/cint/src/value.h
< if (buftype == ‘i’) return (T) buf->obj.i;

if (buftype == ‘i’) return (T) buf->;

After that was able to succesfully built libRoot.a and run the some test programs on computing nodes using openmp etc.

Best Regards, Vitali

[quote=“delaossa”]Almost there!
ROOT 6 was compiling flawlessly for a big while in a 64bits PowerPC machine using GNU compilers (version 4.8.1) until this point:

[code]Generating dictionary core/base/src/G__Core.cxx…
core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp -f core/base/src/G__Core.cxx -s lib/ -c
/homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TApplication.h /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TApplicationImp.h /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TAtt3D.h /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TAttAxis.h /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/TAttBBox.h

… (a bunch of header files) …

-I/homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root /homec/hhh23/hhh231/software/root/core/base/inc/LinkDef.h && touch lib/libCore_rdict.pcm
core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp: /usr/lib64/ version GLIBCXX_3.4.18' not found (required by core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp) core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp: /usr/lib64/ version CXXABI_1.3.5’ not found (required by core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp)
core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15’ not found (required by core/utils/src/rootcling_tmp)
make: *** [core/base/src/G__Core.cxx] Error 1
There seems to be a library mismatch, but I do not understand why.
Any ideas?[/quote]