ROOT nightlies for the v6-26-00-patches?

Dear all,
Does a root nightly for v6-26-00-patches exist? And is it possible to access the nightlies build easy?
I know there is a conda nightly for the master branch.
If not, is there somewhere a docker container or maybe conda environment that can be used to safely build v6-26-00 with the following flags: -Droofit=ON -Ddataframe=ON -Dmathmore=ON -Dminuit2=ON -Dpyroot=ON -Dx11=ON -Dxrootd=ON ?



_ROOT Version: 6.26.00
_Platform: centos7 x86_64

We have ROOT nightly available at this link:;O=D

There should be also not 6.26 (the version is 6.26.99)
For the ROOT master and 6.28 patches we have also binaries installed in cvmfs. See Nightlies - ROOT


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