Root interface with pythia8

i installed root version 5.32.04 using fixed location installation
and i installed pythia8

i run sample main programs in example subdirectory of pythia8 and i got output.

i run program in rootexamples subdirectory (a sample program to show histogram in root format)
and i got histogram in root format .

then i modified a sample main program in examples subdirectory to get its histgram output in root format.

i used

to make executeable file but i got error as:
g++ -O2 -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -o mainw71 fatal error: Pythia8/Pythia.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [mainw71] Error 1

then i copied file from rootexamples to examples
and i typed

cd examples make hist

i got error as:
g++ -O2 -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -o hist fatal error: Pythia8/Pythia.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [hist] Error 1


You have to tell the compiler where to find the pythia8 headers, by using the “-I” compiler flag. For example: g++ -O2 -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -I$PYTHIA8/include -o mainw71
See for example the “Include Directories” paragraph of Compiling with g++

Cheers, Bertrand.

i run the

i got error fatal error: fastjet/PseudoJet.hh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Well, then do the same with the fastjet headers location…



i run

g++ -O2 -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -I$Fastjet-install/include -o mainw71

i got error as: fatal error: Pythia8/Pythia.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

And what about this:


i still got error as: fatal error: fastjet/PseudoJet.hh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

You have to give the location of those header files on your system. Then those errors will disappear. So please locate PseudoJet.hh, and use this path with the -I compiler flag.
For example, according to your example, it should be in $Fastjet-install/include/fastjet/PseudoJet.hh. If not, then give the correct path and try again.
And you have to do that each time the compiler is complaining about a missing header file.

i used

g++ -O2 -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -I$PYTHIA8/include -I$/home/raman/Downloads/Fastjet-install/include/fastjet -o mainw71

i still got the same error

What is the result of ls $PYTHIA8/include and ls /home/raman/Downloads/Fastjet-install/include/fastjet

the output of

ls /home/raman/Downloads/fastjet-install/include/fastjet/

ActiveAreaSpec.hh FunctionOfPseudoJet.hh
AreaDefinition.hh GhostedAreaSpec.hh
CDFJetCluPlugin.hh GridJetPlugin.hh
CDFMidPointPlugin.hh internal
CircularRange.hh JadePlugin.hh
ClusterSequence1GhostPassiveArea.hh JetDefinition.hh
ClusterSequenceActiveAreaExplicitGhosts.hh LimitedWarning.hh
ClusterSequenceActiveArea.hh NestedDefsPlugin.hh
ClusterSequenceAreaBase.hh NNH.hh
ClusterSequenceArea.hh PseudoJet.hh
ClusterSequence.hh PseudoJetStructureBase.hh
ClusterSequencePassiveArea.hh RangeDefinition.hh
ClusterSequenceStructure.hh Selector.hh
ClusterSequenceVoronoiArea.hh SharedPtr.hh
ClusterSequenceWithArea.hh SISConeBasePlugin.hh
CompositeJetStructure.hh SISConePlugin.hh
config_auto.h SISConeSphericalPlugin.hh
config.h tools
EECambridgePlugin.hh version.hh
Error.hh WrappedStructure.hh

i was using Fastjet-install instead of fastjet -install

but now i also used

g++ -O2 -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -I$PYTHIA8/include -I$/home/raman/Downloads/fastjet-install/include/fastjet -o mainw71

i still got same error

to execute sample main programs in example subdirectory i use

why i can’t use the same code for my modified program

Well, you could, you have to modify the Makefile (add your mainw71) and then just type “make mainw71”…

thanks :slight_smile:

i added mainw71 to my makefile
i then typed

i got error as: fatal error: TH1.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [mainw71] Error 1

Add -I$ROOTSYS/include to the compiler flags, as already explained many times before… [-o<

sorry, i am new to this :cry:
i used

g++ -O2 -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -I$PYTHIA8/include -I$/home/raman/Downloads/fastjet-install/include/fastjet/ -I$ROOTSYS/include -o mainw71

i got error as: fatal error: fastjet/PseudoJet.hh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

OK, look: the compiler is looking for “fastjet/PseudoJet.hh” so you should add (with -I)the part of the full path which is missing to find the file.

For example, if your source file contains
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
and the full path of PseudoJet.hh is /home/raman/Downloads/fastjet-install/include/fastjet/PseudoJet.hh
You should use -I/home/raman/Downloads/fastjet-install/include

And if your source file contains
#include "PseudoJet.hh"
You should use -I/home/raman/Downloads/fastjet-install/include/fastjet

I hope this clear enough? You really have to understand how all this works, and take some course or tutorials, otherwise we will never manage…

thanks after using

g++ -O2 -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -I$PYTHIA8/include -I/home/raman/Downloads/fastjet-install/include/ -I$ROOTSYS/include -o mainw71

it works fine now. :smiley: \:D/

can you refer any site for pythia8 programming tutorials