Root installed in conda AND/OR in linux (snap and .tar)

Dear all,

I am a bit puzzled from the multiple options to install root on linux.
I have followed the instructions from the official website and wget the distribution (no slac).
Then I have installed root in conda.

  1. Is one of the two unnecessary?
  2. If yes, how is it possible to connect them to each other environment (i.e. how to be able to type $ root in the terminal without opening python first OR how to let conda know where root is) I want be able to double click on .root file and open it?
  3. how is the wget going to be updated? should I provide manual updates? Would slac be a better version in this regard?

Thank you for the support!

_ROOT Version: 6.22
_Platform: ubuntu 20.04

Hi @g.nalin ,
you should choose the installation method you prefer, and you only need one. For example, if you install ROOT as a conda package, then you can start root from the terminal and also import ROOT from Python (as long as the conda environment is activated, as usual with conda). Similarly for all installation methods. There are some small differences: conda requires that you conda activate the environment with the packages that you want to use, pre-compiled binaries require that you source to set some environment variables, snap should not require any setup before you can use ROOT.

Double-clicking on ROOT files to open them: I am not sure which installers provide this out of the box, if any. But running rootbrowse file.root at the terminal should do the trick (and you can certainly set up your system so that command is run when double-clicking on a ROOT file).

If you install ROOT by downloading pre-compiled binaries (e.g. via wget) then there is no automatic update method (but still updating is easy: just rm -rf the old installation and wget the new version). I suggest using a package manager such as conda or snap to automatize this.

Not sure what you mean with slac, you mean snap?
