Root installation (version - 6.24.08) in Rocky Linux 8.7

Hi, I want to install ROOT (version 6.24.08) using the binary file on a server (accessed using ssh) that has the following features:

Operating System: Rocky Linux 8.7
Architecture: x86-64

Have no prior experience with Rocky Linux! Can you provide a step-by-step guide to installing root there? Also, what are the dependencies and libraries I need to install there for ROOT to function?


That’s quite similar to “RHEL 8” / “CentOS 8”, I think.

Do you have root access to the server?

If you do, the following will install ROOT, along with all its various sub-packages

dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
dnf install epel-release
dnf -y install root\*

If what you want to do is compile ROOT from source (which I don’t necessarily recommend), you can find instructions here:

If you find that those instructions are not detailed enough for you, then I strongly suggest you try using the pre-built packages as I describe above. Otherwise you’ll find yourself overwhelmed trying to figure out python/ROOT integration.

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