Root installation on Windows

I installed root (version below) on Window 7 Entreprise. When I am trying to run tutorials, some are working and other not.
Like when I execute the earth.C the axes appears while the map of earth does not show up.
Same for shapes but tornado is showing up and on can move the object.
Is s this related with installation or can y suggest me what should i do?

ROOT 5.34/32 (v5-34-32@v5-34-32, Jun 23 2015, 17:58:02 on win32)


I can reproduce the problem. Investigating right now…

Cheers, Bertrand.


For the earth.C macro, replace: dat.ReplaceAll("C","dat");by: dat.ReplaceAll(".C",".dat");
And for shapes.C, add gSystem->Load(“libGeom”); and replace gGeometry by gGeoManager:

gSystem->Load("libGeom"); //delete previous geometry objects in case this script is reexecuted if (gGeoManager) { gGeoManager->GetListOfNodes()->Delete(); gGeoManager->GetListOfShapes()->Delete(); }
I’ll fix those macros in git. Thanks for the report and sorry for the trouble.

Cheers, Bertrand.

I am coming back to root on windows.

I posted a question on the MyApp forum

and I am not advancing. Could very well be, i am not very skilled.
I cannot figure out the name for the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 to be used for a TSQLServer::Connect in ROOT.
Can someone help?

I tried to see if root-config can suggest me the name, but the root-config does not work as on linux or mac.
Is there a way to make it working as an exe file?


[quote=“sor2001ch”]I posted a question on the MyApp forum
Well, this was the wrong place. This forum should be used for user’s ROOT applications…

Not sure it would work with Microsoft SQL Server. Did you try? And did you try with any other database, like for example mysql?
And BTW, which version of ROOT? Did you take the binary tar file or did you build it from source? Which version of Visual Studio?

Cheers, Bertrand.

is root version 5.34/32 and I installled root just by doing the exe file.
<Should I download the binaris and build it?
How do I run the run-config?

No i didn’t try with another database, this is the only one i have

There is ODBC database support in those binaries. You could try to use it to connect to your Microsoft SQL Server (but I have no experience with ROOT & databases on Windows…). Maybe you can look at Using ODBC with Microsoft SQL Server

Cheers, Bertrand.

ok thanks, I will have a look.

but is it a big difference between the two installation?

will root-config run like an internal command?

[quote=“sor2001ch”]but is it a big difference between the two installation?[/quote]Which two installations? :-k

[quote=“sor2001ch”]will root-config run like an internal command?[/quote]Nope. This doesn’t work on Windows, but you don’t need it anyway… Or do you?

Cheers, Bertrand.

1)the installation when on execute .exe without downloading, or downloading the binaries and compiling with CMake)

2)in Mac or linux I just do root-config --features to have a quick look, while in windows I want to see if I have the tmva or python. How can use this command on the cmd windows in W7


You mix several things (definitions?) here. If you download binaries, you cannot compile with CMake, binaries are the result of the compilation. You can only compile from source. When you install binaries, you have a minimal set of packages, to avoid external dependencies as much as possible. If you want more optional packages, then you have to compile from source (with CMake).

You cannot, it is a shell script. But you can take a look at the $ROOTSYS/bin/root-config file and search for the “features” line. For example, on my Computer:features=" asimage astiff builtin_afterimage builtin_ftgl builtin_freetype builtin_glew builtin_pcre builtin_zlib builtin_lzma castor cintex exceptions explicitlink fftw3 fitsio fortran gviz gdml genvector http mathmore minuit2 mysql odbc opengl oracle pythia6 pythia8 python qt qtgsi reflex roofit rfio shared sqlite table thread tmva unuran vc vdt xml"
Cheers, Bertrand.

Ok thanks now is clear for me.
So i see that for instance I do not have the packages xml or Geant.
To add them I use Cmake, or do I have to desinstall and reninstall the binaries ?

[quote=“sor2001ch”]So i see that for instance I do not have the packages xml or Geant.
To add them I use Cmake, or do I have to desinstall and reninstall the binaries ?[/quote]
Geant is not part of ROOT and to get xml, you will have to build ROOT from source with CMake, after having installed the xml2 development libraries and packages on your computer.

I have the problem during root_numpy installation for windows and it is needed to have root-config (the installation attempts to run root-config) for windows in this case. Can you provide this?

Cheers, Tatiana.

Hi Tatiana,

I have the problem during root_numpy installation for windows and it is needed to have root-config (the installation attempts to run root-config) for windows in this case. Can you provide this?[/quote]
root-config is a shell script, and unless you are using cygwin, this is useless (shell scripts don’t worrk on Windows). But could you tell us exactly what you need from root-config? That could be replaced by a batch script for your particular case, and this could be a work around.

Cheers, Bertrand.

so, in w10, i run root 5.34/36 with vs 2013, from the folder method.

does it include c++11 funcionality? I didnot find somtehing relevant in $ROOTSYS/bin/root-config file, “features” line.

also, would it be better to compile it or run it with “the .exe method”?


Hi Andreas

It depends on the version of Visual Studio. VS 2013 should support most of it.

As you prefer. The bianry was built with the minimum set of external dependencies, so if you need more, you will have to build it from source.

Cheers, Bertrand.

that was clear.
