ROOT history

Dear Root developers,

Is there a way to keep separate history files for root in each directory that it was started? This way one could have separate history for each task that one is working on. I have heard that such a thing was possible in PAW…

create a file “.rootrc” in your directory containing eg this line

Rint.History: $(HOME)/mydir/.root_hist
the default value (see $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc) is

Rint.History: $(HOME)/.root_hist

I ment a rather more automated thing - automaticaly having separate histories in each directory that root was ran. I have heard that such an automation was possible in PAW.

However, I changed ~/.rootrc to contain

so far it seems to work :slight_smile: However, the first line in history file is not displayed in root when using cursors…


You solution is correct.

[quote]However, the first line in history file is not displayed in root when using cursors…[/quote]Is indeed a deficiency that exist no matter where the .rootrc is written (we are investigating a solution).



Revision 32355 of the trunk now ensures the first line of the root history file is also accessible via the arrow.



btw. perhaps the solution with $(PWD) coluld be mentioned in default .rootrc or somewhere in docs? For some people it is very convienient… :slight_smile: