ROOT from source on macOSX 10.6.7

Hi everyone,

I have some problems with the installation of ROOT from source on my new macbook pro (macOSX 10.6.7).
I need this kind of installation because of the roofit libraries.
I follow all the instructions listed in the web page and everything seems to go well, except that when I try to open a TBrowser i get the following errors.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Last week, I instaled root v5.28.00b from the source in my macbook (macOSX 10.6.7, Intel Core 2 Duo). Everything seemed to go ok with the installation since it did not report any error. I can load and read data from a root file fine. But then I get the same problem reported here ( and error same message) when trying to open a TBrowser or a TCanvas.

Does anyone have a suggestion?


I’m having exactly the same problem. Did you find a way to solve it?

Thanks & Cheers,


I have seen this kind of problem being resolved by simply restarting the X11 application/server.



thanks for the suggestion - but re-starting the XServer (or the computer, for that purpose) does not seem to affect the problem.



Did you install X11 via fink or macports? Those 2 distributions are known to be incompatible with ROOT, uninstalling them and using the X11 provided by APPLE should solve the problem.
