ROOT File SIze Mismatch

Hello everyone,

         I was doing some measurements.I am reading data from a binary file and storing as Uncompressed ROOT file. I did this is Linux system.For some reason I changed my OS and ported the same program in Windows and I found the root file size is less! even less than Binary file size.... Can anyone give any clue why this is happening? Or how do I find where I am going wrong!! Another question is uncompressed root file size can never be less than the actual binary data it is storing??


[quote] Another question is uncompressed root file size can never be less than the actual binary data it is storing??[/quote]Unless the binary data contains data members that have been marked transient.

One of the test to make is to read back the data from the ROOT file and see if it is as expected. You should also try to produce the file on one platform and read it back on the other platform (and vice et versa). If something is going very wrong, there might be some error/warning message appearing.
