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_ROOT Version: v6-34-02@v6-34-02
_Platform: ubuntu 24.04
_Compiler: gcc
Hello, I’m studying root using root-docker inside wsl2 windows 11, I’ve tried many tutorials, the native GUI apps does not render well in wsl2, the drop down menu are displayed in some random places, instead of under menu item (i’ve seen similar reports in the forum). I’m more interested in the new Web UI, I found the tutorials under http
folder can start a server, and I can access it from the host browser.
However, it seems the TBrowser doesn’t allow similar behavior, example:
root --web=server:8080
inside root:
root [0] new TBrowser;
ROOT comes with a web-based browser, which is now being started.
Revert to TBrowser by setting "Browser.Name: TRootBrowser" in rootrc file or
by starting "root --web=off"
Find more info on
Info in <THttpEngine::Create>: Starting HTTP server on port
New web window: http://localhost:8080/win1/?key=e759e326-549dac8b-dc9ac882-9c61adb1-bb8c2784-691ae105-a3a8fe19-cfcaeb25#b9314a19-12d4eb97-6c61ca0d-7f5f71d3-7261e9e7-f799c428-c22dc535-f9cc8df9
port 8080 is published in docker, but i’m not able to access http://localhost:8080/win1/?key=e759e326-549dac8b-dc9ac882-9c61adb1-bb8c2784-691ae105-a3a8fe19-cfcaeb25#b9314a19-12d4eb97-6c61ca0d-7f5f71d3-7261e9e7-f799c428-c22dc535-f9cc8df9 from host browser
is there anyway that i can access docker TBrowser Web UI from host?
thank you!