ROOT compilation error

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I’m trying to install an older version of ROOT on my server, and during my compilation, I get the following error:

I tried searching the internet on how to fix this, but nothing worked. Has anyone had the same problem and solved it please? I will be very grateful for your help.

_ROOT Version:6.22.8
_Platform:Rocky Linux 8.9
_Compiler: Cmake version = 3.26.5


The problem seems to be on your system.
ROOT 6.22.8 dates back March 2021. I would suggest to move to 6.32.08 or 6.34.02.

If not, you can start by having a look to the log files (see the error in red for the full path).


Thank you very much for your suggestion, due to the project needs, I downloaded the old version of Geant4 (version 10.7.2) on the server, but due to the ROOT version 6.30/4 that I downloaded before, it will cause my project to report an error during the build process, the error message is as follows:

I can successfully compile my project by switching the environment variable of geant4 to the original version(version 11.2.1). But switching to the old version(version10.7.2) of geant4 displays the above error and I don’t know why.

Hi! Looks like the older version of Geant 4 is implying a C++ standard older than C++17.

You have to make sure that the C++ standard of your CMake project is set to C++17, then it should work.

Note that the questions of how to change the C++ standard of your project is not a ROOT-specific question, so a simple “cmake set c++ standard” google search should help :+1:

Thank you very much! I will try now.