Root build was failed |

Dear experts,

could you please help me with building of root v6.20.02

During the build process I have got such error

[ 88%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
CMakeFiles/ASImage.dir/src/TASImage.cxx.o: In function `TASImage::DrawCubeBezier(int, int, int, int, int, int, char const*, unsigned int)':
alice/sw/SOURCES/ROOT/v6-20-02-alice3/v6-20-02-alice3/graf2d/asimage/src/TASImage.cxx:6323: undefined reference to `asim_parse_argb_color'
CMakeFiles/ASImage.dir/src/TASImage.cxx.o: In function `TASImage::DrawStraightEllips(int, int, int, int, char const*, int)':
alice/sw/SOURCES/ROOT/v6-20-02-alice3/v6-20-02-alice3/graf2d/asimage/src/TASImage.cxx:6365: undefined reference to `asim_parse_argb_color'
alice/sw/SOURCES/ROOT/v6-20-02-alice3/v6-20-02-alice3/graf2d/asimage/src/TASImage.cxx:6365: undefined reference to `asim_parse_argb_color'
CMakeFiles/ASImage.dir/src/TASImage.cxx.o: In function `TASImage::DrawCircle(int, int, int, char const*, int)':
graf2d/asimage/CMakeFiles/ASImage.dir/build.make:138: recipe for target 'lib/' failed

I’ve already installed libafterimage-dev to my machine. Perhaps any version conflicts there?
I can’t figure out why linker doesn’t see names in or why such names doesn’t exists in the file.

Also I’ve seen this topic

but unfortunately nothing helps…

Hope on your help.

ROOT Version: v6.20.02
Platform: ubuntu 18.04
Compiler: gcc 7.5

Do you get “builtin_afterimage” from “root-config --features”?

Hi, thanks for the reply

./root-config --features
cxx17 asimage builtin_clang builtin_gl2ps builtin_llvm builtin_lz4 builtin_pcre builtin_vdt builtin_xxhash builtin_zstd clad dataframe exceptions fftw3 fitsio gdml http imt mathmore mlp minuit2 monalisa mysql opengl pyroot pythia6_nolink pythia6 r
oofit webgui runtime_cxxmodules shared soversion ssl tmva tmva-cpu tmva-pymva spectrum vmc vdt x11 xml xrootd

Well, you can try to configure ROOT adding “-Dbuiltin_afterimage=ON”.

I’ve ran building. But this value is default, no?

you shouldn’t believe in everything that’s written somewhere. :wink:

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thanks! It works!

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