Dear ROOTers,
after the “downgrade” to Catalina of my Macbook Pro, I updated the ROOT installation following this:
and the result of this sequence of operations is that I cannot compile any longer (error messages are reported below) [2].
Also, the interactive root does not work any longer [1].
Would you please point me to a set of instructions I could follow, to have my root back into shape?
Best regards,
ROOT Version: 6.8.00
Platform: MacosX
Compiler: precompiled
bug:PietroCavaglieri $ root -v
dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_png_create_info_struct
Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
Expected in: /usr/local/lib/libPng.dylib
in /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
/Applications/…/include/c++/v1/experimental/string_view:18:3: warning:
“<experimental/string_view> has been removed. Use <string_view> instead.” [-W#warnings]
warning “<experimental/string_view> has been removed. Use <string_view> instead.”
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