ROOT Version: 6.34.02
Platform: win64 (Windows 10)
Compiler: MSVC 19.39
Dear ROOT Developers,
I would like to compile a simple C++ program on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2022 & ROOT 6.34.
Here is the minimal example:
test.cpp (177 Bytes):
#include "TF1.h"
#include <iostream>
int main() {
TF1 function("identity", "x");
std::cout << "evaluation: " << function.Eval(1.) << std::endl;
return 0;
I loaded the development environment like this:
PS C:\URANIE\43597> Push-Location
PS C:\URANIE\43597> & "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/Common7/Tools/Launch-VsDevShell.ps1" -Arch amd64
** Visual Studio 2022 Developer PowerShell v17.3.6
** Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation
PS C:\Users\sc774194\source\repos> Pop-Location
PS C:\URANIE\43597>
ROOT 6.34
And I compiled the minimal example:
ROOT Version:
PS C:\URANIE\43597> root -q
| Welcome to ROOT 6.34.02 |
| (c) 1995-2024, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
| Built for win64 on Dec 15 2024, 07:44:28 |
| From tags/v6-34-02@v6-34-02 |
| With MSVC 19.39.33521.0 |
| Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |
PS C:\URANIE\43597>
PS C:\URANIE\43597> root-config --cflags
-nologo -Zc:__cplusplus -std:c++17 -GR -FIw32pragma.h -FIsehmap.h -MD -EHsc -wd4141 -wd4291 -wd4244 -wd4049 -wd4146 -wd4250 -wd4624 -wd4267 -D_XKEYCHECK_H -DNOMINMAX -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SILENCE_CXX17_ITERATOR_BASE_CLASS_DEPRECATION_WARNING -D_SILENCE_CXX17_CODECVT_HEADER_DEPRECATION_WARNING -O2 -IC:\URANIE\43597\root_v6.34.02.win64.python311.vc17\root\include
PS C:\URANIE\43597>
PS C:\URANIE\43597> Invoke-Expression "cl test.cpp $(root-config --cflags --libs)"
cl : Ligne de commande warning D9024 : type de fichier source non reconnu '.h', fichier objet pris par défaut
cl : Ligne de commande warning D9024 : type de fichier source non reconnu '.h', fichier objet pris par défaut
test.cpp: fatal error C1083: Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier include : 'w32pragma' : No such file or directory
PS C:\URANIE\43597>
How can I solve this file type / header issue?
ROOT 6.32
Here is a successful build with ROOT 6.32.
ROOT Version:
PS C:\URANIE\43597> root -q
| Welcome to ROOT 6.32.08 |
| (c) 1995-2024, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
| Built for win64 on Nov 14 2024, 09:53:39 |
| From tags/v6-32-08@v6-32-08 |
| With MSVC 19.39.33521.0 |
| Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |
PS C:\URANIE\43597>
PS C:\URANIE\43597> root-config --cflags
-nologo -Zc:__cplusplus -std:c++17 -MD -GR -EHsc- -W3 -D_WIN32 -O2 -IC:\URANIE\43597\root_v6.32.08.win64.vc17\root\include
PS C:\URANIE\43597>
PS C:\URANIE\43597> Invoke-Expression "cl test.cpp $(root-config --cflags --libs)"
PS C:\URANIE\43597> .\test.exe
evaluation: 1
PS C:\URANIE\43597>
Best Regards,