ROOT 5.20.00 and geant3

I am having problem in loading dynamic libraries after I compiled root 5.20 and geant3 (downloaded via svn) successfully on my Mac. I noticed this is not a new problem, but I can not find the way to solve it. (With earlier root version, this problem did not show up)

In the following, you can find the error message and also the configuration of the system in detail.

root [0] gSystem->Load(“libgeant321”);
dlopen error: dlopen(/Users/hongyanyang/Software/geant3/v1-9/lib/tgt_macosx/, 9): Symbol not found: __ZN10TVirtualMC18SetExternalDecayerEP17TVirtualMCDecayer
Referenced from: /Users/hongyanyang/Software/geant3/v1-9/lib/tgt_macosx/
Expected in: dynamic lookup

Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /Users/hongyanyang/Software/geant3/v1-9/lib/tgt_macosx/
*** Interpreter error recovered ***


system Leopard 10.5.4
ROOT version v5-20-00
geant3 version v1-9

compilers used for the compilation are the following:
gcc 4.01 from Xcode
g++ 4.01 from Xcode
gfortran 4.4 from binary for Leopard on

Anyone here can help? Thanks!


You need to load libVMC before loading your library



problem solved - thanks!
