Retaining multiple gaussian fits on a histogram

Hi I am trying to fit the same gaussian function to multiple regions of the histogram, different peaks basically.
Is there any way I can draw all the fits on the histogram simultaneously.

Presently as soon as I fit the second region and draw a histogram the fit function from first location disappears. I understand this is pretty much obvious since I a using a single function for the fi, but is there any workaround to basically show all the fit in different regions of the histograms at once? That will be really helpful.

Please let me know if I am not able to clarify myself
Here is the macro if it helps

TF1* fit0 = new TF1("nfit0","gaus(0)",20,1000); 
	 for(Int_t k=0; k<2; k++) {	
	 	//Fit region 1
	 	if (100. < xpeaks[k] && xpeaks[k]< 140.) {
	 	  his -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(xpeaks[k]-30, xpeaks[k]+40);
                  his -> Fit("nfit0");		//Fitting	 				
	 	//Fit region 2
	 	if (3220. < xpeaks[k] && xpeaks[k]< 3260.) {
	 	  his -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(xpeaks[k]-30, xpeaks[k]+40);
                  his -> Fit("nfit0");		//Fitting				

Thanks a lot!

Hi @utkarsh-2000,
thank you for posting on the ROOT forum!

I think that @Jonas could help with this, but in the meanwhile I suggest you to have a look at this tutorial.


Hi @mdessole,
Thanks for sharing the tutorial.