February 20, 2018, 4:28pm
The site now seems to render links to other posts as quotes. While this is useful to quickly be able to read the content directly it no longer provides a link to that post for further context. Is there a way to at least post the link?
Here is an example:
It appears that TGeoManager does not support the quantity tag.
root [0] TGeoManager::Import("root-test.gdml")
Info in <TGeoManager::Import>: Reading geometry from file: root-test.gdml
Info in <TGeoManager::TGeoManager>: Geometry GDMLImport, Geometry imported from GDML created
Error: Unsupported GDML Tag Used :quantity. Please Check Geometry/Schema.
Error: Unsupported GDML Tag Used :quantity. Please Check Geometry/Schema.
Medium: G4_Al, Not Yet Defined!
Info in <TGeoManager::SetTopVolume>…
Using this link https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/gdml-import-unsupported-gdml-tag/27672/8?u=ksmith
Well, if I copy & paste the link, it seems to work:
It appears that TGeoManager does not support the quantity tag.
root [0] TGeoManager::Import("root-test.gdml")
Info in <TGeoManager::Import>: Reading geometry from file: root-test.gdml
Info in <TGeoManager::TGeoManager>: Geometry GDMLImport, Geometry imported from GDML created
Error: Unsupported GDML Tag Used :quantity. Please Check Geometry/Schema.
Error: Unsupported GDML Tag Used :quantity. Please Check Geometry/Schema.
Medium: G4_Al, Not Yet Defined!
Info in <TGeoManager::SetTopVolume>…
(but note that I updated the forum today, so it has most probably been fixed in the meanwhile…)
February 21, 2018, 12:22am
Yes, it seems I noticed the issue during the update. The link does seem to render now.
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March 7, 2018, 12:22am
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