Removing or editing tree entry

Does anyone know if there is any way of removing a specific entry from a tree or perhaps just editing/overwriting over it. I am trying to log information about glue mixes however since the procedure gets broken up into two sessions which are days to weeks apart I need to be able to reload the information and add to it. I was hoping to use a tree for easy comparisons between batches; however, I can’t find a way to edit an entry once it has been written to a tree. Has anyone tried something similar and have a solution?



You can not edit nor remove (directly) entries from a TTree which are designed to be write once, read many times.

However you have 3 options. You can copy the existing TTree to a new file modifying the value that needs updating while doing so (see tutorials/tree/copytree* for some example). You can add a new branch with the additional information. Or the simplest solution is to create a new TTree with the new information and to add this TTree as a ‘Friend’ (See TTree::AddFriend) of the existing TTree.



Could you explain or link to how to add a new branch to a tuple?



TFile *file = TFile::Open("input.root",'UPDATE"); TTree *input = 0; file->GetObject("input",input); TBranch *branch = mytree->Branch("newbranch",&data); for(Long64_t entry = 0; entry < input->GetEntries(); ++entry) { input->GetEntry(entry); // This can changed as needed to only read the needed subset. data = ....; branch->Fill(); } mytree->GetCurrentFile()->Write();

However, adding a new branch is not recommended as it decreases the efficiency of reading the TTree.

So to use TTree friendships:

TFile *file = TFile::Open("input.root",'UPDATE"); TTree *input = 0; file->GetObject("input",input); TTree *output = new TTree("input_addition","addition to the input"); output->Branch(.....); for(Long64_t entry = 0; entry < input->GetEntries(); ++entry) { input->GetEntry(entry); // This can changed as needed to only read the needed subset. .. set the new values .. output->Fill(); } input->AddFriend(output); file->Write();
