Remote SLC5 workstation: where to install ROOT


I have set the Linux workstation running SLC5 locally on my university campus network.
I have downloaded SLC5 remotely from CERN and set the AFS daemon, CERN AFS accounts etc,
to get a transparent access to “/afs/” , the things look now neat…
Now I want to install a fully fledged ROOT product locally. My question: what would be
the most appropriate top directory to set the $ROOTSYS and to install the ROOT package
at this remote workstation and also to be
compatible with the other products like Athena (I am a member of ATLAS) etc. ?

Thank you in advance!


Hi Igor,

[quote]at this remote workstation and also to be compatible with the other products like Athena [/quote]This is really a question for the Athena support group. Typical install locations are /opt or /local
