Release 5.32.03 on Ubuntu 12.04

Dear all,
I tried to install the version 5.32.03 on Ubuntu 12.04, and I have several problems. I can’t run the codes.
Initially, not all libraries are loaded, then I manually loaded with
gSystem-> Load (“lib …”)
and I get:

root [6] gSystem -> ListLibraries ()

Loaded shared libraries

/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/
/ opt/ROOT/v5.32.03/lib/root/

12 libraries loaded

Now, when I try to run some tutorials, for example “gerrors.C”, I get the following message.

root [7] .x gerrors.C
Warning in TCanvas::Constructor: Deleting canvas with same name: c1
Warning in TCanvas::ResizePad: c1 width changed from 0 to 10

Warning in TCanvas::ResizePad: c1 height changed from 0 to 10

root [8]

Someone could kindly help me?

This forum is for the root team to announce new releases, not for a user to ask for help. Try posting in the support forun.