Register Module Error!

For the command:
root [1] gSystem->Load(“libDelphes”);

Following error appears

Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module ClassesDict_rdict.pcm
Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module ExRootAnalysisDict_rdict.pcm
Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module ModulesDict_rdict.pcm
Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module FastJetDict_rdict.pcm

Thanks in advance for your kind response.

ROOT Version: 6.18/04

Hi @waqas ,
and welcome to the ROOT forum!

I think I hit this same issue with Delphes before. Setting the environment variable ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH to the location of ./Delphes-3.4.2/external and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location of the Delphes .so files fixed it for me at the time.

You can do so e.g. with export ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH=/path/to/Delphes/external:${ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH} and similarly for LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Thanks a lot @eguiraud for your time.Stay Blessed.