Refitting histogram from a tfile

Hi, I am using version 6.24 and 6.26 (conda).
I have a tfile that stores the histograms and fit functions (defined from a c++ function object).
now i want to refit some of the histograms. So i get the histograms and the function, set another set of parameter values for the function and fit (then write the object).
Is it a sensible way to do this kind of job ? (because what i observed so far, is that the fit results always resulted in the parameters that i reassigned to the function. I dont know why, maybe the problematic fitting that gave the issue ?)

Hi @NgJunKai,

Could you provide some minimal reproducer that illustrates what you are doing? Once you provide the required information, @moneta or @jonas may be able to help here.


ok. give me some time to produce the (minimal) file

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