Refer to a certain row in a root variable list


I have a given list of variables which was created from a ROOT tree Scan. It shows the variables m_mother, m_firstDaughter, m_lastDaughter and m_pdg of the particles which are created by decays. The variables are from the branch called MCParticles. The first decay process looks like this: B -> nu nu & B -> D* lep nu
In the second step the D* decays further into D0 & pi+.
So my task is to do a data selection first and only print out the information of just one certain particle, the pi+ . To do that, my general idea is to look for the pi+'s mother particle first, which is the D* in this case. After looping over all the tracks in an event and finding the D* by identifying its PDG code = 413, I want to do the same loop over the tracks again to find the D*'s daughter particles by looking for particles which have the D* as their mother particle. Here comes my problem: how do I tell the C++ compiler to memorise the line of the list where the D* is? I need the compiler to know where exactly the D* row is so that it can look for its daughter particle by matching the m_mother value.

The output list of the root file after the scan looks like this:

root [1] tree->Scan("MCParticles.m_mother:MCParticles.m_firstDaughter:MCParticles.m_lastDaughter:MCParticles.m_pdg")
*    Row   * Instance * MCParticl * MCParticl * MCParticl * MCParticl *
*        0 *        0 *         0 *         2 *         3 *    300553 *
*        0 *        1 *         1 *         4 *         6 *       511 *
*        0 *        2 *         1 *         7 *         8 *      -511 *
*        0 *        3 *         2 *         9 *        10 *      -413 *
*        0 *        4 *         2 *         0 *         0 *       -11 *
*        0 *        5 *         2 *         0 *         0 *        12 *
*        0 *        6 *         3 *         0 *         0 *       -12 *
*        0 *        7 *         3 *         0 *         0 *        12 *
*        0 *        8 *         4 *        11 *        12 *      -421 *
*        0 *        9 *         4 *        13 *        13 *      -211 *
*        0 *       10 *         9 *        14 *        17 *       321 *
*        0 *       11 *         9 *        18 *        20 *      -211 *
*        0 *       12 *        10 *         0 *         0 *      2112 *
*        0 *       13 *        11 *         0 *         0 *        14 *
*        0 *       14 *        11 *        21 *        23 *       -13 *
*        0 *       15 *        11 *         0 *         0 *      2112 *
*        0 *       16 *        11 *         0 *         0 *      2112 *
*        0 *       17 *        12 *         0 *         0 *      2112 *
*        0 *       18 *        12 *         0 *         0 *      2112 *
*        0 *       19 *        12 *         0 *         0 *      2112 *
*        0 *       20 *        15 *         0 *         0 *       -14 *
*        0 *       21 *        15 *         0 *         0 *        12 *
*        0 *       22 *        15 *         0 *         0 *       -11 *
*        1 *        0 *         0 *         2 *         3 *    300553 *
*        1 *        1 *         1 *         4 *         6 *      -511 *

And this is the code I am currently working on to reduce this list to only the pi+ particle:

StoreArray<PXDCluster> getPionClusters() {

        float m_pdg;
        float m_firstDaughter;
        float m_lastDaughter;
        float m_mother;
        float m_mass;

      StoreArray<MCParticle> m_mcTracks;
      for (MCParticle& mcTrack : m_mcTracks) {
        if (abs(m_pdg) == 413) {
          for (MCParticle& mcTrack : m_mcTracks) {
            MCParticle* mother = mcParticle.getMother();

        } else {


        for (PXDCluster& pxdcl : mcTrack.getRelationsFrom<PXDCluster>("PXDClusters")) {
          if (m_pdg == 413) {
             for (MCParticle& mcTrack : m_mcTracks) {
               MCParticle* mother = mcParticle.getMother();

        } else {


        for (PXDCluster& pxdcl : mcTrack.getRelationsFrom<PXDCluster>("PXDClusters")) {
          if (m_pdg == 413) {

             std::cout << std::setw(16) << m_firstDaughter << std::setw(16) << m_lastDaughter << std::endl;

             if (m_pdg == 211)
                  MCParticle* track = mcTrack.getRelatedFrom<MCParticle>("Tracks");
                  std::cout << std::setw(16) << m_mother << std::setw(16) << m_pdg << std::setw(16) << m_mass << std::endl;
          } else {

          if (pxdClusterCharge == 0) {

I would be very grateful for any suggestions, hints or help. Thanks in advance!

@pcanal can you give a hand with this one?

You could use a TEntryList to record a set of entry number that passed a criteria.

You could also try to do it in one pass, by using the Sum$ special function in TTreeFormula:

tree->Scan("MCParticles.m_mother:MCParticles.m_firstDaughter:MCParticles.m_lastDaughter:MCParticles.m_pdg","Sum$(MCParticles.m_pdg==413) > 0")

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