Recoil Energy Range


So my program works pretty great now thanks to previous help here, thank you. I have discovered an issue that’s more of a logic error on my end than anything in my code but I’d appreciate another set of eyes on it. I think what I want to do is doable, I just don’t know the syntax.

Basically what I want my code to do is have the initial Kinetic Energy of Silicon-29 Ions in my system dependent on the Recoil Angle. I already have the relationships all calculated, and I already have a Si-29 gas file in place with an Energy that covers everything I need, I just always get the full energy when I try to tell it to start paying attention when the initial energy should be at a different, lower amount.

Here’s my code if it’ll help.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

#include <math.h>

#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TApplication.h>

#include "Garfield/ViewCell.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewDrift.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewSignal.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewField.hh"

#include "Garfield/ComponentAnalyticField.hh"
#include "Garfield/MediumMagboltz.hh"
#include "Garfield/Sensor.hh"
#include "Garfield/DriftLineRKF.hh"
#include "Garfield/TrackSrim.hh" //Probably not needed
#include "Garfield/TrackTrim.hh"

using namespace Garfield;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    TApplication app("app", &argc, argv);



    // Make a gas medium.
    MediumMagboltz gas;


    // Make a component with analytic electric field.
    ComponentAnalyticField cmp;
    cmp.SetMedium(&gas);                  // Attach gas to cmp

    // Set parameters
    const int nElec = 19;                 // Number of electrodes - assumes CACACACA....             //(19)
    const int nWires = 50;                // Wires per electrode                                     //(50)
    const double dWire = 0.0007*2.54;     // Diameter of each wire [cm]
    const double elecspac = 0.497 * 2.54; // Spacing between electrodes [cm]
    const double wirespac = 0.2;          // Spacing between wires [cm]
    //Only have one of each Cathode and Anode not commented out at a time
    //const double vCathode = -250.;        // Potential of cathodes [V] 
    //const double vAnode = 250.;           // Potential of anodes [V] 
    const double vCathode = 0.;           // Potential of cathodes [V]
    const double vAnode = 500.;           // Potential of anodes [V]                                 //!! 500ish?
    const double chamberRad = (nWires * wirespac / 2.) +2.5;        // Radius of chamber [cm]                                  //!!
    double vWire;
    std::string label;

    // Create electrodes
    bool cathode = true;                  // First electrode is a cathode
    for (int j = 0; j < nElec; j++) {

        // Set y positions
        double ywire = elecspac * j;

        // Set potential and label
        if (cathode) {
            vWire = vCathode;
            label = "C";                  // Elements with same label are grouped together
        else if (!cathode) {
            vWire = vAnode;
            label = "A";

        // Create wires
        for (int i = -nWires / 2; i < nWires / 2; i++) {
            double xwire = wirespac * i + wirespac/2.;
            cmp.AddWire(xwire, ywire, dWire, vWire, label);

        // Set 'cathode' for next electrode
        cathode = !cathode;               // Alternate CACACA...

    // Define area (for sensor and outer casing)
    const double xmin = -chamberRad;
    const double xmax = chamberRad;
    const double ymin = -elecspac;                                                                   // !! Should actually be size of dead region
    const double ymax = nElec * elecspac;                                                            // !!?
    const double zmin = -chamberRad;
    const double zmax = chamberRad;
    const unsigned int nx = 1000;  //Should give point density, Default is 200
    const unsigned int ny = 1000;  //Should give point density, Default is 200

    // Create outer casing - model w 4 planes
    cmp.AddPlaneX(xmin, 0., "P1");
    cmp.AddPlaneY(ymin, 0., "P2");
    cmp.AddPlaneX(xmax, 0., "P3");
    cmp.AddPlaneY(ymax, 0., "P4");

    // Request calculation of the weighting field. 
    cmp.AddReadout("A");                  // Only anodes read out


    // Make a sensor.
    Sensor sensor;
    sensor.AddComponent(&cmp);                // Signal from cmp

    // Set area                               // Area the sensor considers
    sensor.SetArea(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);


    // Set up TRIM
    TrackTrim Al26tr, Si29tr;
    //const std::string file = "Aluminum-26 in No. 340 Isobutane (gas).txt";
    const unsigned int nIons = 10000;
    const unsigned int nSkip = 0;
    if ((!Al26tr.ReadFile("Al26EXYZ.txt", nIons, nSkip)) || (!Si29tr.ReadFile("Si29EXYZ.txt", nIons, nSkip))) {
      std::cerr << "Reading TRIM EXYZ files failed.\n";
      return 1;

      Kinetic Energy -
      Ecm = 2.5 MeV , 0.72 MeV/u -> T = 18.73e6
      Ecm = 5 MeV , 1.441 MeV/u -> T = 37.46e6
      Energy losses relative to a blocker of mylar either 1.12 or 0.71 um thick
      0.72 MeV/u, 0.71 um -> el = 0.100 -> AlEkin = 16.857e6
      0.72 MeV/u, 1.12 um -> el = 0.162 -> AlEkin = 15.696e6
      1.441 MeV/u, 0.71 um -> el = 0.046 -> AlEkin = 35.737e6
      1.441 MeV/u, 1.12 um -> el = 0.073 -> AlEkin = 34.725e6
      ekin = (1 - el)*T
      This is a crude approach, but good enough for now.
    double AlEkin = 16.857e6;
    double SiEkin;
    Al26tr.SetWorkFunction(30);                  // Work Function, just set to 30 eV
    //tr.SetAtomicMassNumbers(58.12,34);         // Set (A,Z) of gas of medium in SRIM

    // Set up drift lines
    std::cout << "RKF integration\n";
    DriftLineRKF drift;
    drift.SetMaximumStepSize(0.1 * wirespac);   // Setting Max Step Size; Experimental to get rid of "Hooks"
    drift.SetSensor(&sensor);                   // Attach to the sensor

    // Set canvas
    std::cout << "Set canvas for drift\n";
    TCanvas* cD = nullptr;                      // Canvas cD will be used to plot the electron drift lines
    cD = new TCanvas("cD", "", 600, 600);       // Sets stuff up but won't be plotted yet
    //SetNumberOfSamples2d(nx, ny);               // Set number of points, default 200
    // Defined outside loop to allow it to be used after loop
    ViewCell cellView;                          // To visualise outline of cell i.e. tube, wire etc
    cellView.SetComponent(&cmp);                // Viewing cmp

    ViewDrift driftViewAl, driftViewSi;                        // To visualise electron drift lines

    driftViewAl.SetCanvas(cD);                    // Set canvas to cD
    driftViewAl.SetArea(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);  // Restrict area to be plotted
    driftViewSi.SetCanvas(cD);                    // Set canvas to cD
    driftViewSi.SetArea(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);  // Restrict area to be plotted                                                    
    drift.EnablePlotting(&driftViewAl);             // Also need to specifically enable plotting drift
    Al26tr.EnablePlotting(&driftViewAl);            // TRIM plotting 
    cellView.SetCanvas(cD);                     // cellView will be plotted on same canvas
    cellView.SetArea(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);

    // Open output file
    std::ofstream output; "out.txt" );
    output << "# xi yi wire time \n";


    float const a = 0.090, b = 0.185, c = 17.68, d = 7.02; //explanation in loop below
    double theta;

    // Main loop
    int n1 = 100; // 10 Electrons per row
    //int n1 = 100; // 100 Electrons per row
    int n2 = 100;//100;  // Number of rows - "10"
    //int n2 = 100; // Number of rows - "100"
    for (int j = 0; j < n2; ++j) {                  // Each row                              //~20mins per row of 200 electrons
      for (int k = 0; k < n1; ++k) {              // Each electron in the row

	    // Simulate a track.
	    //const double xt = xmin;
	    const double xt = ((xmin + xmax) / 2) + (100*j + k) * (xmax - xmin) / 2500000; //y-track; 2500000 goes to 1 mm width
	    //const double yt = ymin + (10*j + k) * (ymax - ymin) / (n1 * n2);
	    const double yt = ymin; //y-track
	    //track.NewTrack(xt, yt, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.);
	    Al26tr.NewTrack(xt, yt, 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.); //y-track;

	    //Silicon-29 Ion Angular Spread and Chamber Energy
	    //SiEkin = c + b*theta - a*theta*theta, theta_limit = d
	    //(a, b, c, d) calculated using LISE++ and Catkin
	    //(1.441 MeV/u, 1.12 um, 0 Excitation) -> (0.214, 0.342, 34.94, 5.69)
            //(1.441 MeV/u, 1.12 um, 8 Excitation) -> (0.314, 0.072, 31.08, 1.86)
	    //(0.72 MeV/u, 1.12 um, 0 Excitation) -> (0.089, 0.181, 16.485, 7.02)                                      
            //(1.441 MeV/u, 0.71 um, 0 Excitation) -> (0.212, 0.341, 36.06, 5.69)                                                   
            //(1.441 MeV/u, 0.71 um, 8 Excitation) -> (0.311, 0.070, 32.22, 1.86)                                                   
            //(0.72 MeV/u, 0.71 um, 0 Excitation) -> (0.090, 0.185, 17.68, 7.02)                                                   

	    theta = -d + (100*j + k) * d / 5000;
	    SiEkin = (c + b*abs(theta) - a*theta*theta) * 1000000;

	    Si29tr.NewTrack(xt + 16*tan( theta * M_PI / 180), yt, 0., 0., sin( theta * M_PI / 180),cos( theta * M_PI / 180), 0.); //
    //Test of Track Output

    // Loop over the clusters.                                                    
    double xc, yc, zc, tc, ec, extra;
    int nc;
    while (Al26tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, ec, extra) && Si29tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, ec, extra)) {
      for (int j = 0; j < nc; ++j) {
	Al26tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, ec, AlEkin);
        Si29tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, ec, SiEkin);
      output << "\n \n";

    // Close output file

    // Plot drift
    std::cout << "Plot drift\n";
    cellView.Plot2d();                        // Plot2d to plot cell (set up earlier)
    constexpr bool twod = true;
    constexpr bool drawaxis = false;
    driftViewAl.Plot(twod, drawaxis); // Plot to plot drift lines (set up earlier) - NOTE: when drawaxis is true, cell gets overwritten... FIX(?)
    driftViewSi.Plot(twod, drawaxis); // Plot to plot drift lines (set up earlier) - NOTE: when drawaxis is true, cell gets overwritten... FIX(?)\


    // Set up fieldView to plot the electric potential
    std::cout << "Set up fieldView\n";
    TCanvas* cF = nullptr;                                            // Canvas cF will be used to plot potential/field
    ViewField fieldView;                                              // ViewField object manages this
    cF = new TCanvas("cF", "", 700, 600);                             // Doesn't rely on the main simulation loop so we can set up then plot immediately
    fieldView.SetSensor(&sensor);                                     // ViewField gets the field/potentials from sensor (sensor is an interface between a lot of things)
    fieldView.SetPlane(0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.);                       // Set plane to plot - xy plane

    cellView.SetCanvas(cF);                                           // Also plot cell on same plot (this is why cellView was set up BEFORE main loop)
    cellView.SetPlane(0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.);                        // Set plane to plot - xy plane
    cellView.SetArea(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);                         // Restrict area (so that it lines up with area set by sensor)

    // Plot field
    std::cout << "Plot field\n";
    //fieldView.Plot("e","CONT2");     // ARR looks promising but too many cells
    fieldView.PlotContour("v");                                       // Plot "e" for field magnitude, "v" for potential (see table 4.2, pg55)
    cellView.Plot2d();                                                // Also plot cell




Any help would be appreciated.

Edit:- So some experimentation and it looks like I can send in energy values all I want, the program just goes with the max value I gave the gas file. Which I did make a point to make sure those values weren’t crazy, but doesn’t help with what I’m trying to do.

Perhaps @hschindl can give an answer here?

Yes, sorry, I missed that one…

At the moment, TrackTrim indeed ignores the initial kinetic energy specified by the user.
Do I understand correctly that you would like to skip all points for which the kinetic energy is higher than the one you specify? Then that should be straightforward to implement, I’ll commit a fix…

That would be great actually. I didn’t say much because I did work out a workaround that was good enough to look at individual recoil angles with a little more homework.

I’ve committed a fix that should address this issue

Can you give it a try? If it doesn’t work or does something unexpected, please do complain…

Well, I tried it and the actual simulation results were the same and still just go for the max energy of the gasfiles involved. I did just copy-paste the code changes then went back to garfield’s build folder and ran “make” and “make install” again, which did change the text that displays when I run the program so I assume I did that part correctly.

One possibility I thought of is that maybe I’m not sending the energy to the reader correctly. I do this by replacing the ec in the GetCluster subroutine, like this.

       Al26tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, AlEkin, extra);
       Si29tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, SiEkin, extra);

With the Ekin’s set earlier.

I want to be able to set SiEkin as dependent on the recoil angle and it changes with every loop but I think I have that coded right so one step at a time.

To set the kinetic energy on a track-by-track basis call SetKineticEnergy (with the kin. energy in eV as argument) before calling NewTrack.

The variable ec (sixth argument of GetCluster) is an output parameter corresponding to the energy loss of the cluster.

Let me know…

Well, that’s humbling. Yeah, I’ll try this. Makes sense.

I’m still doing some tests and kicking the tires, so to speak, but everything looks good so far. I think we have a winner.


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