Reading/printing a TBranch returns different value than actual

ROOT Version: 6.18/04
Platform: 18.04
Compiler: cc 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)

Hello co-rooters,

I’m posting here because it looks like it might be a silly mistake happening.
I am reading a root file that contains a TTree. The trouble is that when I read the file and store the contents of the TBranches in a variable I get a value of 4.68242e-3101 instead of the actual value. If I open the file on a root session and Scan(“*”)` I get what I am expecting to get i.e.

root [15] new TFile("../codes/149Sm_RP_FINAL_pub.root")
(TFile *) 0x563223e94390
root [16] .ls
TFile**		../codes/149Sm_RP_FINAL_pub.root	
 TFile*		../codes/149Sm_RP_FINAL_pub.root	
  KEY: TTree	resonances;1	Resonance parameters from SAMMY fits
root [18] resonances->Scan("*")
*    Row   *        Er *       dEr *        Gg *       dGg *        Gn *       dGn *       Gn0 *      dGn0 * TwoG.TwoG * TwoGGn.Tw * dTwoGGn.d *         J *
*        0 *     0.097 *    0.0001 *    -65.62 *         0 *     0.545 *  0.000528 * 1.7498895 * 0.0016953 *     1.125 *  0.613125 *  0.000594 *         4 *
*        1 *    0.8703 *    0.0001 *      60.8 *         0 *    -0.749 *  0.000522 * 0.8028738 * -0.000559 *     1.125 * -0.842625 * 0.0005872 *         4 *
*        2 *     4.945 *    0.0001 *        64 *         0 *      1.67 *   0.00169 * 0.7509885 * 0.0007599 *     1.125 *   1.87875 * 0.0019012 *         4 *
*        3 *    6.4347 *    0.0001 *        66 *         0 *     0.847 *    0.0011 * 0.3339021 * 0.0004336 *     1.125 *  0.952875 * 0.0012375 *         4 *
*        4 *    8.9112 *    0.0007 *     56.31 *      1.55 *       1.4 *    0.0103 * 0.4689860 * 0.0034503 *     0.875 *     1.225 * 0.0090125 *         3 *
*        5 *    8.9409 *    0.0002 *     77.86 *      0.27 *      7.19 *    0.0122 * 2.4045746 * 0.0040800 *     1.125 *   8.08875 *  0.013725 *         4 *
*        6 *    9.2017 *    0.0015 *     40.24 *      2.03 *     0.197 *   0.00422 * 0.0649429 * 0.0013911 *     0.875 *  0.172375 * 0.0036925 *         3 *
*        7 *   12.0104 *    0.0001 *     67.58 *      0.32 *      1.74 *   0.00301 * 0.5020772 * 0.0008685 *     0.875 *    1.5225 * 0.0026337 *         3 *
*        8 *   14.8669 *     0.001 *     57.12 *      1.78 *      1.45 *    0.0127 * 0.3760605 * 0.0032937 *     0.875 *   1.26875 * 0.0111125 *         3 *
*        9 *   14.9166 *    0.0003 *     66.85 *      0.59 *      3.96 *    0.0127 * 1.0253219 * 0.0032882 *     1.125 *     4.455 * 0.0142875 *         4 *
*       10 *   15.8713 *    0.0006 *     63.85 *      1.45 *     0.323 *   0.00172 * 0.0810767 * 0.0004317 *     0.875 *  0.282625 *  0.001505 *         3 *
*       11 *   17.1631 *    0.0002 *     64.54 *      0.46 *      1.85 *   0.00387 * 0.4465538 * 0.0009341 *     1.125 *   2.08125 * 0.0043537 *         4 *
*       12 *   23.2562 *    0.0005 *     97.55 *      1.33 *     0.908 *    0.0031 * 0.1882853 * 0.0006428 *     1.125 *    1.0215 * 0.0034875 *         4 *
*       13 *   24.7428 *    0.0017 *     169.2 *      6.41 *     0.452 *   0.00671 * 0.0908686 * 0.0013489 *     1.125 *    0.5085 * 0.0075487 *         4 *
*       14 *    25.282 *    0.0003 *     81.01 *      0.81 *      13.6 *     0.045 * 2.7047877 * 0.0089496 *     0.875 *      11.9 *  0.039375 *         3 *
*       15 *     26.12 *    0.0004 *     61.13 *      0.87 *      2.87 *   0.00843 * 0.5615588 * 0.0016494 *     1.125 *   3.22875 * 0.0094837 *         4 *
*       16 *   28.0194 *    0.0013 *     91.38 *      3.45 *     0.576 *   0.00507 * 0.1088160 * 0.0009578 *     0.875 *     0.504 * 0.0044362 *         3 *
*       17 *    29.945 *    0.0005 *    -93.02 *      1.31 *     -2.89 *   0.00902 * 0.5281237 * -0.001648 *     0.875 *  -2.52875 * 0.0078925 *         3 *
*       18 *   30.8578 *    0.0003 *      71.5 *      0.75 *      8.48 *    0.0311 * 1.5265582 * 0.0055985 *     1.125 *      9.54 * 0.0349875 *         4 *
*       19 *    33.986 *    0.0004 *     88.59 *      0.94 *      5.11 *    0.0155 * 0.8765382 * 0.0026587 *     1.125 *   5.74875 * 0.0174375 *         4 *
*       20 *   40.2614 *    0.0003 *     124.6 *      0.66 *      22.8 *    0.0317 * 3.5932746 * 0.0049959 *     0.875 *     19.95 * 0.0277375 *         3 *
*       21 *   41.3896 *    0.0003 *     77.73 *      0.77 *      22.7 *    0.0536 * 3.5284197 * 0.0083314 *     0.875 *   19.8625 *    0.0469 *         3 *
*       22 *   44.3331 *    0.0002 *     49.51 *      0.15 *      66.3 *     0.208 * 9.9574808 * 0.0312391 *     1.125 *   74.5875 *     0.234 *         4 *
*       23 *    45.124 *    0.0005 *     53.18 *      1.18 *        11 *    0.0238 * 1.6375285 * 0.0035430 *     1.125 *    12.375 *  0.026775 *         4 *
*       24 *   49.3949 *     0.005 *    151.35 *      7.99 *      1.49 *     0.037 * 0.2120045 * 0.0052645 *     1.125 *   1.67625 *  0.041625 *         4 *
Type <CR> to continue or q to quit ==> q
(long long) 25

Here’s my code

#include "TTree.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TString.h"

#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void test(TString filename_in){

	double Er, dEr, Gg, dGg, Gn, dGn, Gn0, dGn0, TwoG, TwoGGn, dTwoGGn;
	int    J;
	TFile *f_file_in = new TFile(filename_in, "OPEN");
	TTree *T_resonances      = (TTree*)f_file_in->Get("resonances");
	T_resonances->Branch("Er"     , &Er);
	T_resonances->Branch("dEr"    , &dEr);
	T_resonances->Branch("Gg"     , &Gg);
	T_resonances->Branch("dGg"    , &dGg);
	T_resonances->Branch("Gn"     , &Gn);
	T_resonances->Branch("dGn"    , &dGn);
	T_resonances->Branch("Gn0"    , &Gn0);
	T_resonances->Branch("dGn0"   , &dGn0);
	T_resonances->Branch("TwoG"   , &TwoG);
	T_resonances->Branch("TwoGGn" , &TwoGGn);
	T_resonances->Branch("dTwoGGn", &dTwoGGn);
	T_resonances->Branch("J"      , &J);
	Long64_t entries = T_resonances->GetEntries();
	for (Long64_t i=0; i<entries; ++i){
		cout << i << ". Er = " << Er << endl;

The output of the cout is weird

0. Er = 4.68242e-310
1. Er = 4.68242e-310
2. Er = 4.68242e-310
3. Er = 4.68242e-310
4. Er = 4.68242e-310
5. Er = 4.68242e-310
6. Er = 4.68242e-310
7. Er = 4.68242e-310
8. Er = 4.68242e-310
9. Er = 4.68242e-310

Any idea?

FYI, I’m compiling first using .L test.C++ and then executing: test("../codes)/149Sm_RP_FINAL_pub.root"
Thanks in advance!

You need SetBranchAddress, not Branch:

	T_resonances->SetBranchAddress("Er"     , &Er);`


That’s so obvious!
Thanks so so much!!