Reading from ASCII file and PAW interoperability

2 things really. I have a bunch of old PAW routines that take care of about half of the work i need to do. Is there anyway that i can make use of this routines and go on to analyze their output (various histograms) in ROOT?

  I have some of the output in an ascii file with the data arranged in columns like so:

1.50000 0.00333 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 4.50000 0.00333 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 7.50000 0.00333 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 10.50000 0.00333 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

I took the cernstaff ($ROOTSYS/tutorials/cernstaff.C) example and edited it for my purposes:

//Purpose: extract data from ascii tables and save in ROOT tree

//Struct carrying the corrections and their attriputes for each particle's bin
struct corr_t{

	Double_t phi;
	Double_t phistep;
	Double_t ratio;
	Double_t ratiosig;
	Double_t sigsig;
	Double_t N;
	Double_t Nsig;
	Double_t miss;


corr_t corr;

//open the ASCII file
FILE *fp = fopen("/w/work3602b/goettj/g11/physics/tables/p1_0903.vec","r");

char line[99];

//create a new ROOT file
TFile *f = new TFile("corrdat.root","RECREATE");

//create a TTree
TTree *corrections = new TTree("corr","results from PAW calculations");

//create one branch with all information from the structure
corrections->Branch("corr", &corr.phi,"phi/F:phi:phistep:ratio:ratiosig:sigsig:N:Nsig:miss");

//fill the tree with the values from the ASCII file
//while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) !=NULL){

	printf("%g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", corr.phi , corr.phistep , corr.ratio , corr.ratiosig , corr.sigsig , corr.N , corr.Nsig , corr.miss);

	cout << endl << endl;



//check that the tree was created properly
//close the input file


Everything seems to work fine, except for the fact that instead of saving the values as in the file:

instead it saves:

2.08862e-278 2.18187e+243 9.28602e+242 2.17354e+243 1.71434e+161 1.66881e-307 3. 68978e-313

Am i missing something?


Dear Johnny,

[quote]I have a bunch of old PAW routines that take care of about half of the work i need to do. Is there anyway that i can make use of this routines and go on to analyze their output (various histograms) in ROOT?
You cannot run PAW macros into ROOT. You can find example guidelines to translate your PAW code to ROOT scripts at:
Alternatively, you can save the PAW histograms into a file and then convert the file into ROOT format with ‘h2root’.

[quote]struct corr_t{

  Double_t phi;
  Double_t phistep;
  Double_t ratio;
  Double_t ratiosig;
  Double_t sigsig;
  Double_t N;
  Double_t Nsig;
  Double_t miss;




Am i missing something?

‘sscanf’ requires pointers to ‘float’; see man page. (Btw, you are missing one ‘%g’).

Gerri Ganis

I’m not quite sure what you mean, but i looked at the man page and changed all the variabled in the struct to Float_t types and the %g’s to %f’s, but the same problem persists.
I also tried changing

sscanf(&line[0],"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f",&corr.phi,&corr.phistep,&corr.ratio,&corr.ratiosig,&c orr.sig,&corr.sigsig,&corr.N,&corr.Nsig);


sscanf(&line,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f",&corr.phi,&corr.phistep,&corr.ratio,&corr.ratiosig,&c orr.sig,&corr.sigsig,&corr.N,&corr.Nsig);

all that seemed to do was give me all zeroes for each entry with the last containing an enormous (20 digit) integer.

Is there a simper method for just reading in vectors from a text file?
All PAW needed was “vect/read”?

Thanks again,


[quote=“goettj”]Is there a simper method for just reading in vectors from a text file?[/quote]You could use e.g. TTree::ReadFile, see You’d have to store the data in a TTree with simple data branches instead of your own class, though. Or use the c++ ifstream class.

Hi Johnny,

Yes, that’s what I meant. Just to make sure, attached are: i) the modified version of your macro; ii) a small macro reading the file produced; iii) the outputs I get when I run them. This seems to work fine for me.

Cheers, Gerri
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