I’m new to RDataFrame…I’m trying to read a TTree which was created with RDataFrame and its branches are vectors of this type: vector<float,ROOT::Detail::VecOps::RAdoptAllocator >
My aim is to read contents of this TTree and write them to a non-RDataFrame TTree. Is this possible?
Hi @ChilufyaM ,
that’s indeed possible, ROOT should be able to properly digest the non-standard allocator without issues. For instance, you can read that branch as a normal std::vector. How are you trying to read the contents of the TTree, and what’s failing?
Here’s a full example that produces such a file and reads back the data using raw TTree:
I’ll answer based on your example. The problem must have been just that I was trying to access the contents of vptr at the first position like this: vptr[0] and the error was:
error: cannot convert ‘std::vector<double, std::allocator >’ to ‘double’