Reading a gntp.0.gtrac.root file

In order to successfully write my Bachelor’s thesis I need to read a file mentionted in a description. It is a tree file and what I need to do is separate QES events from another events. I am working on Windows 10 and have root installed but I do not have GENIE. I was trying to find a documentation for a isQuastiElastic() function but cannot find it. My current file looks like this:

void test3()
TFile *input = new TFile(“gntp.0.gtrac.root”, “read”);


TTree *tree = (TTree*)input->Get("gRooTracker");

int entries = tree->GetEntries();

Event *event = 0;

tree->SetBranchAddress("event", &event);

cout << entries << endl;

for(int i=0; i < entries; i++)


Can you please help me?



It is not what I am looking for unfortunately. When I use ‘tree->Show(0)’ it print an information about an event number 0. My file contains 10 000 events and I need to choose the QES events and put them in a separate file. I also have a problem with a variable type “Event” which root cannot find while I use this file.

See the "analysis skeleton " generated by:

root -b -l -q gntp.0.gtrac.root -e 'gRooTracker->MakeClass();'

See also:

Uncle Google → GENIE rootracker
Uncle Google → “gRooTracker”
Uncle Google → “gtrac.root”

Unfortunately, uncle Google is a no go here, I have been trying for couple of days to find anything about this format. Also, I have already tried MakeClass method, but I still have no idea how to find if an event is a QES and how to get to a variable with this information.

Talk to the one who gave you this ROOT file, and/or your colleagues, and/or your supervisor, and/or GENIE people.

BTW. I would try to “Scan” the tree, e.g.:

root -b -l -q gntp.0.gtrac.root -e 'gRooTracker->Scan("EvtFlags:EvtCode", "", "colsize=30");'

That’s what I got in return:

(TFile *) 0x55b45a80ce80
*    Row   *                       EvtFlags *                        EvtCode *
*        0 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        1 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        2 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        3 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        4 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        5 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        6 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        7 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        8 *                              0 *                              0 *
*        9 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       10 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       11 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       12 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       13 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       14 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       15 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       16 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       17 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       18 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       19 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       20 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       21 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       22 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       23 *                              0 *                              0 *
*       24 *                              0 *                              0 *
Type <CR> to continue or q to quit ==> CR

Attach your ROOT file for inspection.

The file is too big to attach it here unfortunately. Can i send it to you through an e-mail?

Try: rooteventselector -l 100 gntp.0.gtrac.root:gRooTracker gntp.100.gtrac.root

I tried it but I don’t understand what happened. What did it do? How do I specify that ‘rooteventselector’ selects only QES?

This creates a smaller file (with the first 100 events) to attach here.

gntp.100.gtrac.root (68.5 KB)

Thank you very much! So this file selects every QES event and prints it right?

root -b -l -q gntp.0.gtrac.root -e 'gRooTracker->Scan("fString", "", "colsize=64");'
root -b -l -q gntp.0.gtrac.root -e 'gRooTracker->Scan("EvtCode.String()", "", "colsize=64");'

Note that, there are "proc:Weak[CC],QES;" (i.e., “InteractionType == WeakCC” and “ScatteringType == QuasiElastic”) and "proc:Weak[NC],QES;" (i.e., “InteractionType == WeakNC” and “ScatteringType == QuasiElastic”) events.

gRooTracker.cxx (2.8 KB)

NOTE: @pcanal It seems that the TTree::MakeClass and the “legacy” TTree::MakeSelector methods generate wrong source code for TBits objects:

 //TBits           *EvtFlags;
   UInt_t          fNbits;
   UInt_t          fNbytes;
   UChar_t         fAllBits[1];   //[fNbytes]

The sizeof(fAllBits) is 1 even though the fNbytes is greater than 1 (fNbits > 8).

For the gntp.100.gtrac.root file, compare the outputs of (fNbits = 16, fNbytes = 2):

root -b -l -q gntp.100.gtrac.root -e 'gRooTracker->MakeClass();'
root -b -l -q gntp.100.gtrac.root -e 'gRooTracker->Scan("fNbits:fNbytes");'

Thank you very much!