Read a "unknown" class from root file

Hi all,

I am new here. I am trying to read an object inside a.root file. After loading the file, this is what I see inside it:

[quote]root [] .ls
TFile** foo.root
TFile* foo.root
KEY: Flux::LightCurve sourcelightcurve;1[/quote]

Now, I would like to see what is in sourcelightcurve. So I tried

[quote]root [] Flux::LightCurve *sourcelightcurve = (Flux::LightCurve)f->Get(“sourcelightcurve”);
root [] lightcurve->Print()
Error: illegal pointer to class object lightcurve 0x0 4064 (tmpfile):1:
*** Interpreter error recovered ***[/quote]

How can I see (or extract) what “lightcurve” contains?

