RDF with vector of structs crashing with 6.26

Dear ROOT experts,

My analysis uses RDF and it involves creating a vector of structs and perform selections on the structs. All this while I have been using ROOT version 6.24.06 from one of the LCG releases (LCG_101) [1] on lxplus7 and I am in the process of migrating to version 6.26.08 using LCG_102a release [2]. The problem I am facing right now is that my RDF analysis script crashes when using version 6.26.08 and I have no idea on how to debug this crash :sweat_smile:. Through trial and error, I could only pin it down to the part where it involves the vector of structs.

I have included a python script reproducer below [3], which is just a highly simplified version of my analysis script, and you will find that it will work with version 6.24.06 but crashes and gives a segfault with 6.26.08 on lxplus7. Oddly enough, if I were to remove two out of the three RVec<int> in the PVEvent struct, the script runs fine.

Kind regards,

[1] /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/LCG_101/x86_64-centos7-gcc10-opt/setup.sh
[2] /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/LCG_102a/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/setup.sh

import ROOT

# Make a test tree
fill_tree_code = '''
using namespace ROOT::VecOps;
using namespace ROOT::Math;
void fill_tree(const char *filename, const char *treeName){
  TRandom3 R(1);
  auto PVchannel = [&](){
    RVec<int> channel;
    const auto nPV = R.Integer(5);
    for (int j = 0; j < nPV; ++j) {
    return channel;
  ROOT::RDataFrame df(200);
  df.Define("PV_channel", PVchannel).Snapshot<RVec<int>>(treeName, filename, {"PV_channel"});

fileName = "ntuple.root"
treeName = "anaTree"
ROOT.fill_tree(fileName, treeName)

#  Read the ttree
df = ROOT.RDataFrame(treeName, fileName)

# Construct the vector of struct
pvevent_code = '''
using namespace ROOT::VecOps;
struct PVEvent {
  int channel;
  RVec<int> idxA1;
  RVec<int> idxA2;
  RVec<int> idxA3;

  PVEvent() : channel{0} {}

RVec<PVEvent> ConstructPVEvents(const RVec<int>& PV_channel){
  RVec<PVEvent> rvec_pvEvent;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PV_channel.size(); i++){
    PVEvent pvEvent;
    pvEvent.channel = PV_channel[i];
  return rvec_pvEvent;

df = df.Define("PVEventVec",        "ConstructPVEvents(PV_channel)")
df = df.Define("PVEvent_chan",      "return Map(PVEventVec, [](const PVEvent& v){return v.channel;});")
df = df.Define("PVEventChan1Vec",   "PVEventVec[PVEvent_chan==1]")
df = df.Define("nPVEventChan1Vec",  "PVEventChan1Vec.size()")

histoChan1 = df.Histo1D(ROOT.RDF.TH1DModel("histoChan1","", 8,0,8), "nPVEventChan1Vec")

outHistoFile = ROOT.TFile("Histo.root","RECREATE")


I can reproduce your problem also with the latest ROOT version. @eguiraud can help you with this next week.


Hi @Nurfikri ,

I think you are hitting [VecOps] Masking RVec<T> is broken for non-trivially-constructible Ts · Issue #12398 · root-project/root · GitHub , a regression that was introduced in RVec and was later fixed in ROOT v6.28.02 (and the ROOT master branch, future 6.30).
I actually did not realize that v6.26 was problematic as well – we could backport the fix to v6.26 as well but you would have to wait for its next patch release anyway :confused:

I don’t think there is an LCG release for v6.28.02 yet (although the ROOT release is out), but things should go back to normal with the ROOT nightly builds: Nightlies - ROOT . Can you confirm?

Sorry about the annoyance, let me know if I can help any further.

Hi @eguiraud,

Thank you very much for checking it out. I can confirm that with the LCG nightly build, it works perfectly. Moving to 6.26 is not critical for us at the moment, so we will stick to 6.24.06 and move to later versions once they are included in an LCG release.


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