RDataFrame using TH2D::SetBinContent in parallel


I am new to RDataframe and tried to convert some old code to RDataframe syntax.
It works without implicite MT. But (as I have expected) not with implicite MT. Here I am missing events.

Can someone help me how to do it right? I looked at the tutorials and found the df018_customActions one which seems to be something I need to use. But I do not really understand it.

My code used so far is:

TH2D spectra2d {tfilename.c_str()
    , Form("%s;frequency; run #", tfilename.c_str())
    , values, min_freq, max_freq, n_entries, 1, n_entries
    [&spectra2d] (const std::vector<double>& f, const std::vector<double>& r, int run) 
      for (size_t i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i) { 
        spectra2d.SetBinContent(spectra2d.FindBin(f[i], run), r[i]);
    , {"f", "r", "run"}


as you say this code cannot work in parallel because the SetBinContent method is not thread safe (and for a good reason!).
What you may do, is to fill N different histograms, one per processing slot (there is one slot per worker thread in the RDF model). The idea is not to impose thread safety with a synchronisation mechanism (a lock around the SetBinContent would work but the code will be tremendously inefficient, de-facto sequential).
Therefore your code may become:

std::vector<TH2D> spectra2d_vec;
const auto nSlots = GetImplicitMTPoolSize();
for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqU(nSlots)) spectra2d_vec.emplace_back(tfilename.c_str()
    , Form("%s;frequency; run #", tfilename.c_str())
    , values, min_freq, max_freq, n_entries, 1, n_entries);

    [&spectra2d] (unsigned int slot, const std::vector<double>& f, const std::vector<double>& r, int run) 
      for (size_t i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i) { 
        spectra2d[slot].SetBinContent(spectra2d.FindBin(f[i], run), r[i]);
    , {"f", "r", "run"}

// Merge here your histos.
auto &mergedSpectra = spectra2d_vec[0];
for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqU(1, nSlots)) mergedSpectra.Merge(&spectra2d_vec[i]);

I hope it helps!


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Dear dpiparo,

thank you very much. It works great!

It is strange though that using 2 threads is faster than using 4 threads by saying ROOT::EnableImplicitMT(2) instead of using 0 or 4 by 4 physical CPUs. I guess that is because the hard drive is slowing multiple threads down by reading the data from tree.

The code I use now is:

  ROOT::RDataFrame d("spectra1", tfilename);

  auto n_slots = ROOT::GetImplicitMTPoolSize();
  if (n_slots == 0) n_slots = 1;

  std::vector<TH2D> spectra2d_vec;
  for (auto&& i : ROOT::TSeqU(n_slots)) {
      TH2D {tfilename.c_str()
      , Form("%s;frequency; run #", tfilename.c_str())
      , Int_t(*values), *min_freq / harmonic, *max_freq / harmonic, Int_t(*n_entries), 1, Double_t(*n_entries)

    [&spectra2d_vec] (unsigned int slot, const std::vector<double>& f, const std::vector<double>& r, int run) 
      for (size_t i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i) { 
        spectra2d_vec[slot].SetBinContent(spectra2d_vec[slot].FindBin(f[i]  / harmonic, run), r[i]);
    , {"frequencies", "rates", "run"}

  for (auto&& i : ROOT::TSeqU(1, n_slots)) spectra2d_vec[0].Add(&spectra2d_vec[i]);

  return spectra2d_vec[0];



How big is your dataset? How many files it has? Do you have a spinning disk or an SSD?


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