Yes, that’s correct.
Here is the mass distribution before the mass cut:
Here is the code I used to make the cuts:
using PxPyPzE = ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>;
void cutter_Macro() {
auto inFileName = "flat_pi0pippim__B4.root";
auto outFileName = "flat_pi0pippim__B4_cut.root";
auto treeName = "pi0pippim__B4;1";
TFile *filein = new TFile(inFileName);
TTree *tree = (TTree *)filein->Get(treeName);
PxPyPzE Gamma1P4, Gamma2P4, Pi0P4, ProtonP4, PiMinusP4, PiPlusP4, PhiP4;
auto proton_4Vec = [&ProtonP4](TLorentzVector p_p4_kin) { return ProtonP4.SetPxPyPzE(p_p4_kin.Px(), p_p4_kin.Py(), p_p4_kin.Pz(), p_p4_kin.E()); };
auto pim_4Vec = [&PiMinusP4](TLorentzVector pim_p4_kin) { return PiMinusP4.SetPxPyPzE(pim_p4_kin.Px(), pim_p4_kin.Py(), pim_p4_kin.Pz(), pim_p4_kin.E()); };
auto pip_4Vec = [&PiPlusP4](TLorentzVector pip_p4_kin) { return PiPlusP4.SetPxPyPzE(pip_p4_kin.Px(), pip_p4_kin.Py(), pip_p4_kin.Pz(), pip_p4_kin.E()); };
auto g1_4Vec = [&Gamma1P4](TLorentzVector g1_p4_kin) { return Gamma1P4.SetPxPyPzE(g1_p4_kin.Px(), g1_p4_kin.Py(), g1_p4_kin.Pz(), g1_p4_kin.E()); };
auto g2_4Vec = [&Gamma2P4](TLorentzVector g2_p4_kin) { return Gamma2P4.SetPxPyPzE(g2_p4_kin.Px(), g2_p4_kin.Py(), g2_p4_kin.Pz(), g2_p4_kin.E()); };
ROOT::RDataFrame d(treeName, inFileName);
auto d_4Vec = d.Define("Gamma1_4Vec", g1_4Vec, {"g1_p4_kin"})
.Define("Gamma2_4Vec", g2_4Vec, {"g2_p4_kin"})
.Define("PiPlus_4Vec", pip_4Vec, {"pip_p4_kin"})
.Define("PiMinus_4Vec", pim_4Vec, {"pim_p4_kin"})
.Define("Pi0_4Vec", "Gamma1_4Vec + Gamma2_4Vec")
.Define("Proton_4Vec", proton_4Vec, {"p_p4_kin"})
.Define("Phi_4Vec", "PiPlus_4Vec + PiMinus_4Vec + Pi0_4Vec");
auto t_cut = [](float Mandlestam_t) { return -Mandlestam_t < 1.; };
auto chi2NDF_cut = [](UInt_t kin_ndf, float kin_chisq) { return (kin_chisq / kin_ndf) < 6.; };
auto protonMom_cut = [](PxPyPzE Proton_4Vec) { return Proton_4Vec.P() > 0.3; };
auto phiMass_cut = [](PxPyPzE Phi_4Vec) { return Phi_4Vec.M() > 0.9 && Phi_4Vec.M() < 1.14; };
auto d_4Vec_cut = d_4Vec.Filter(chi2NDF_cut, {"kin_ndf", "kin_chisq"})
.Filter(t_cut, {"Mandlestam_t"})
.Filter(protonMom_cut, {"ProtonMom"})
.Filter(phiMass_cut, {"PhiMass"});
d_4Vec_cut.Snapshot("pi0pippim__B4_cut", "flat_pi0pippim__B4_cut.root");
Here is the mass distribution after the cut:
As you can see, the mass cut almost worked. There are still some events that lie outside of the cut range.
How would something like this happen?