I’m using ROOT 5.14-00e to fill a tree, then using a macro based on the same ROOT version to read it out. I see no errors in the log for the job which fills the tree, but I can’t even open the tree as seen below:
root [2] TFile a(“temp.root”)
root [3] a.ls()
TFile** temp.root
TFile* temp.root
KEY: TTree fitSample33-2;1 fitSample33-2
root [4] t = (TTree*)a.Get(“fitSample33-2”)
R__unzip: error in header
(class TTree*)0x0
In general, I’m creating ROOT files with about 10 trees, and this problem affects only 3 of the trees…the first 3 written to the file. The other trees are fine. I’ve regenerated the filesnumerous times, and the problem is reproduced.
I’ve seen postings relating this message to I/O problems, including a bug
in ROOT 3.04. But I’m not sure what to do with it here…