Python failing to recognize ROOT package despite successful installation and present within list of packages

Hello, I am having issues when I attempt Import ROOT into a Jupyter Notebook. To preface, I am using Ubuntu on a windows computer. I have successfully followed the instructions for installing root within ubuntu using snap and have also installed root within my conda environment. My root version installed in ubuntu is 6.30/08 while that within my conda list is 6.26.4. In addition when not within a Jupyter Notebook, I can run

Import ROOT

without any problems. Once I open a Jupyter Notebook, I get the error that ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ROOT'. Furthermore, I can run the command root --notebook , and this creates a notebook in which I can import ROOT, however it does not import the python 3.7.12 kernal that I need which leads to extreme computation times. Is there a fix to either the kernal or import ROOT issue as a solution to either would allow me to use ROOT without issue.

Hi Aidan,

Welcome to the ROOT Community!

The behaviours you describe seem to point to problems in your setup. What could start helping the debugging is to understand what version of ROOT and Python is used in which case.


Within a jupyter notebook which I run in my pythonROOT environment, the following are my python and root version:

python                    3.7.12          hb7a2778_100_cpython    conda-forge
root                      6.26.4           py37hfb7772e_3    conda-forge

. Attempting to import ROOT fails in this instance.

Inside the root --notebook, import ROOT fails within this environment. When I change to a different environment where root is not installed and run root --notebook then the import is recognized. However, it says that my system version is 3.10.12 which will not work for my purposes, but I am confused because when I list my packages I have 3.7.12 listed in this particular environment. It also does not recognize the 3.7.12 kernal I attempted to import in jupyter notebook.