Im a newbie to ROOT and PyROOT and recently installed ROOT via Ubuntu, which i wanted to use for my project. However Python is not able to find the module “ROOT” and I cant figure out why. I will be glad for any help.
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Make sure ${ROOTSYS}/lib
is is in your ${PYTHONPATH}
. This is usually automatically set when sourcing root/bin/thisroot.sh
Thanks for reply,
Im not sure how to check if ROOTSYS is in my PYTHONPATH. My sourcing is at the bottom of the screenshot
echo ${ROOTSYS}
For example:
source build/master/bin/thisroot.sh
ubuntu@root-cmake-devel:~$ echo ${ROOTSYS}
ubuntu@root-cmake-devel:~$ echo ${PYTHONPATH}
Ok, I reinstalled Python and ROOT to Windows, ROOT and “import ROOT” in Python works just fine, however it works only via command line after using “\root_v6.32.02.win64.vc17\root\bin\thisroot.bat”
That’s what the instructions say.