Pythia 8 root file corrupt


Following the old thread:

with the patch I could get the “goex1” example in Pythia 8 to work. At least a root file is being produced and it’s not crashing but I get a huge list of warnings and at least one error

Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Couplings is available
Error in TStreamerInfo::Build:: Pythia8::ParticleData: Pythia8::Couplings* has no streamer or dictionary, data member couplingsPtr will not be saved

Warning in TBufferFile::WriteObjectAny: since Pythia8::ResonanceW has no public constructor
which can be called without argument, objects of this class
can not be read with the current library. You will need to
add a default constructor before attempting to read it.
Warning in TBufferFile::WriteObjectAny: since Pythia8::ResonanceH has no public constructor
which can be called without argument, objects of this class
can not be read with the current library. You will need to

This goes for long, but you get the idea. The ex1.root file being produced seems to be corrupt. It does not contain the information it should and one gets also all sorts of warnings after opening it:

Attaching file ex1.root as _file0…
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Event is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::ParticleData is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Couplings is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Info is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Settings is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Rndm is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::ParticleDataEntry is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::ResonanceWidths is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Particle is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Vec4 is available
Warning in TClass::TClass: no dictionary for class Pythia8::Junction is available

Enclosed is the root file it produced (only 10 events here, but one gets the same with more).

Something is still wrong I’m afraid.


ex1.root (1.35 MB)



I can reproduce it; I will discuss with you offline and we’ll post the results here.

Cheers, Axel.