PyROOT ownership of RooCmdArg options of RooFit


Can I check how PyROOT will handle ownership with the various RooFit option methods that return a RooCmdArg on the stack?

E.g. if I do?

l = ROOT.RooLinkedList() # python owns this, I'm pretty sure
l.Add(ROOT.RooFit.Binned()) # as an example .. I'm worried about the ownership here. 

I compare this to C++ where I do:

RooLinkedList l;
l.Add(ROOT::RooFit::Binned().Clone()); //because the RooCmdArg is created on the stack and I need it to live on for the list, so clone it makes something on the heap (i will clean up myself later)



l = ROOT.RooLinkedList() # python owns this, I'm pretty sure

Yes it does, you can check it with l.__python_owns__ (should be True).

l.Add(ROOT.RooFit.Binned()) # as an example .. I'm worried about the ownership here. 

This is problematic because ROOT.RooFit.Binned() creates a temporary, owned by Python, that can be destroyed after this line. When the temporary is destroyed, its internal C++ object is too, and that C++ object was added to the list.

I just had a look at the pythonizations for RooFit classes (i.e. some extra behaviour to make it easier to use RooFit from Python) and I didn’t find anything for RooLinkedList, so there is no e.g. lifeline set internally in RooLinkedList for the temporary that is added.

I think Clone() has the same problem in Python (what is returned is owned by Python). What you can do is

b = ROOT.RooFit.Binned()
b.__python_owns__ = False

and then add b to the list.

thanks for the knowledge about __python_owns__ , I didn’t know that was the flag that ROOT.SetOwnership was toggling.

Do you think it would be sensible to add a pythonization for RooLinkedList that will retain references to the objects that are added to it, to keep them alive?

Yes, I think that would be helpful for users, otherwise they need to know they have to keep the added objects alive (or release the Python ownership on them).

This is to be discussed with @jonas .

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