Pyroot gSystem.Load segfault


I’m trying import my shared library from cvmfs using our python analysis package. I get a segfault from ROOT.gSystem.Load(mylibname). However, in the same environment if I do this command myself in the interpreter, it works fine. If I repeat the command it occasionally segfaults. Obviously, it must be something pretty bad to segfault and not just return an error code. I have no problems with this code elsewhere, and indeed it’s a simple call. The library does exist and is available through LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I also call gSystem.AddIncludePath to add the variable from the environment.

I use the LCG_99 ROOT, python 3.8 and ipython all based on GCC8.

It always segfaults when I use my python package. It generally works withe odd segfault if I just do it manually.

To reproduce (from lxplus):

source /cvmfs/
>>> import pybdsim
>>> d = pybdsim.Data.Load("/afs/")
 *** Break *** segmentation violation
SegmentationViolation                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-cc6831ed68af> in <module>
----> 1 d = pybdsim.Data.Load("/afs/")

/cvmfs/ in Load(filepath)
     87     elif extension == 'root':
     88         try:
---> 89             return _LoadRoot(filepath)
     90         except NameError:
     91             #raise error rather than return None, saves later scripting errors.

/cvmfs/ in _LoadRoot(filepath)
    172         raise IOError("ROOT in python not available - can't load ROOT file")
--> 174     LoadROOTLibraries()
    176     fileType = _ROOTFileType(filepath) #throws warning if not a bdsim file

/cvmfs/ in LoadROOTLibraries()
     59     # shared libraries
---> 60     bdsLoad = _ROOT.gSystem.Load("libbdsimRootEvent")
     61     reLoad  = _ROOT.gSystem.Load("librebdsim")
     62     if reLoad != 0:

SegmentationViolation: int TSystem::Load(const char* module, const char* entry = "", bool system = kFALSE) =>
    SegmentationViolation: segfault in C++; program state was reset

If we then do it manually in the same session

>>> import ROOT
>>> ROOT.gSystem.Load("libbdsimRootEvent")

would appear to work ok… continue to try in that session with the package

>>> d = pybdsim.Data.Load("/afs/")
 *** Break *** segmentation violation
SegmentationViolation                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-cc6831ed68af> in <module>
----> 1 d = pybdsim.Data.Load("/afs/")

/cvmfs/ in Load(filepath)
     87     elif extension == 'root':
     88         try:
---> 89             return _LoadRoot(filepath)
     90         except NameError:
     91             #raise error rather than return None, saves later scripting errors.

/cvmfs/ in _LoadRoot(filepath)
    172         raise IOError("ROOT in python not available - can't load ROOT file")
--> 174     LoadROOTLibraries()
    176     fileType = _ROOTFileType(filepath) #throws warning if not a bdsim file

/cvmfs/ in LoadROOTLibraries()
     59     # shared libraries
---> 60     bdsLoad = _ROOT.gSystem.Load("libbdsimRootEvent")
     61     reLoad  = _ROOT.gSystem.Load("librebdsim")
     62     if reLoad != 0:

SegmentationViolation: int TSystem::Load(const char* module, const char* entry = "", bool system = kFALSE) =>
    SegmentationViolation: segfault in C++; program state was reset

So again fails.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


ROOT Version: v6.22.06
Platform: lxplus
Compiler: LCG 99 GCC8


Is it possible that you are missing the jitting of a header prior to loading the library?

E.g. with gInterpreter.Declare('#include "header.h"')

Also, I can’t reproduce from lxplus:

[etejedor@lxplus7103 ~]$ source /cvmfs/
[etejedor@lxplus7103 ~]$ ipython
Python 3.8.6 (default, Dec 11 2020, 21:39:59) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.5.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import pybdsim                                                                                                                                                                                      

In [2]: d = pybdsim.Data.Load("/afs/")                                                                                                                   
TUnixSystem::SetDisplay:0: RuntimeWarning: DISPLAY not set, setting it to 2a02:1206:452a:8130:21e4:5df8:5755:6499
TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class pair<int,BDSOutputROOTParticleData::ParticleInfo> is available
BDSIM output file - using DataLoader

In [3]:                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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