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I need a few hints on how to define and fill branches in a TTree from pyRoot.
Sorry if this is quite elementary, but I have forgotten how to do it right, and didn’t find
my answer in the docs/demos. Maybe I should even not use branches but ntuples?
But would still like to understand how to do it right.
Anyway, here is a small reproducer of the error I am encountering
import random
from ROOT import TFile, TTree
Nev = 1000
fname = 'test_ttree.root'
f = TFile(fname,'recreate')
t = TTree('myTree','uniform rn between -1.o and 1.0')
# define variables
x = 10.0 # arbitray vaue outside of random range
y = -1.0 # dto
# set up branches
xB = t.Branch('x',x,'x/D')
yB = t.Branch('y',y,'y/D')
for nev in range(Nev):
x = random.uniform(-1.0,1.0)
y = random.uniform( 0.0,1.0)
Thank you! But this is the C++ example, which indeed I had seen before.
What I needed was its python equivalent, as I couldn’t correctly guess how to
transliterate the C++ into pyROOT. If you know how to modify my non-working
example so that it actually works, that would help me a lot.