hi, im trying to modify the http://opendata.cern.ch/record/5500 its a zz4l exercise, mixing muon and electron combination for make the Z (Za) and Zb (Z*) then form the H
im using Delphes tree which only contains PtEtaPhi, whereby this example uses pxpypzE,
im stuck at making the tLorentz for p4Za & p4Zab as in line 541
starting with;
muon1 = muons->at(0);
muon2 = muons->at(1);
i have set the dimuon pair invariant mass
mZ12 = ((muon1->P4()) + (muon2->P4())).M();
then which ever is closer to Z (n this case say mZ12) will be named Za and
mZa = mZ12;
but i dont have any idea how to fill for Eta, Phi, PT
p4Za.SetPtEtaPhiM(ZaPT, ZaEta, ZaPhi, mZa);
p4Zb.SetPtEtaPhiM(ZbPT, ZbEta, ZbPhi, mZb);
p4H = p4Za + p4Zb;
mass4mu = p4H.M();
in the example it simply adds
pxZ24 = muon2.px() + muon4.px();
pyZ24 = muon2.py() + muon4.py();
pzZ24 = muon2.pz() + muon4.pz();
pxZa = pxZ24;
pyZa = pyZ24;
pzZa = pzZ24;
p4za.setpxpypzE(pxZa, pyZa, pxZa, eZa);
but in my case i cant do this because then it will break the momentum conservation, example
PtZ12 = muon1->PT + muon2->PT;
EtaZ12 = muon1->Eta + muon2->Eta;
PhiZ12 = muon1->Phi + muon2->Phi;
ZaPT = PtZ12;
ZaEta = EtaZ12;
ZaPhi = PhiZ12;
i think this is wrong! I uploaded the full macro here, if theres any suggestions, please do help me out!,
Thanks Alot!
Audiya4lAnalyzer.C (29.7 KB)
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