PtEtaPhi for dimuon

hi, im trying to modify the its a zz4l exercise, mixing muon and electron combination for make the Z (Za) and Zb (Z*) then form the H
im using Delphes tree which only contains PtEtaPhi, whereby this example uses pxpypzE,
im stuck at making the tLorentz for p4Za & p4Zab as in line 541
starting with;

muon1 = muons->at(0);
muon2 = muons->at(1);

i have set the dimuon pair invariant mass

 mZ12 = ((muon1->P4()) + (muon2->P4())).M();

then which ever is closer to Z (n this case say mZ12) will be named Za and

mZa  = mZ12;

but i dont have any idea how to fill for Eta, Phi, PT

p4Za.SetPtEtaPhiM(ZaPT, ZaEta, ZaPhi, mZa);
p4Zb.SetPtEtaPhiM(ZbPT, ZbEta, ZbPhi, mZb);
p4H = p4Za + p4Zb;
mass4mu = p4H.M();

in the example it simply adds

pxZ24 = muon2.px() + muon4.px();
pyZ24 = +;
pzZ24 = muon2.pz() + muon4.pz();


pxZa = pxZ24;
pyZa = pyZ24;
pzZa = pzZ24;
p4za.setpxpypzE(pxZa, pyZa, pxZa, eZa);

but in my case i cant do this because then it will break the momentum conservation, example

PtZ12 = muon1->PT + muon2->PT;
EtaZ12 = muon1->Eta + muon2->Eta;
PhiZ12 = muon1->Phi + muon2->Phi;

ZaPT = PtZ12;
ZaEta = EtaZ12;
ZaPhi = PhiZ12;

i think this is wrong! I uploaded the full macro here, if theres any suggestions, please do help me out!,
Thanks Alot!

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Hi there!

I seems like you just have to add the fourvector objects. The objects take care of the correct fourvector addition. It happens already here:

auto p4 = muon1->P4() + muon2->P4();

You add the fourvector objects to get the invariant mass. The same way you can add every fourvector and get other properties, such as px or Eta. So go for something like

auto dimuon = muon1->P4() + muon2->P4();
auto dimoun_pt = dimuon->PT();

to achieve what you want.

Feel free to reach out again if I understood your issue wrongly and this is not solving your problem!


im sorry, but isnt auto only used in DataFrame? in this example im only using normal root
so my

 mZ12 = ((muon1->P4()) + (muon2->P4())).M();

is already correct, but this calculate the invariant mass only, so by dioing

Z12_V = muon1->P4()) + muon2->P4(); 

i can get all objects? am i understanding this correctly?
then i should declare Z12_V as a TLorentzVector right

So muon1->P4() should give you a fourvector object, such as the one here:

These have overloads for operator+, so the addition of these objects, which takes care of the correct additions and takes care of the fourvector arithmetics. After the addition of the objects, you can extract the correctly added values for pt, eta, … .


hi i tried following the above but im getting

error: member reference type 'TLorentzVector' is not a pointer; did you mean to use '.'?
                ZaPT = Z12_V->PT;

i declared Z12_V as TLorentzVector

TLorentzVector Z12_V;


Z12_V = muon1->P4() + muon2->P4();
ZaPT = Z12_V->PT;

should i be using

ZaPT = Z12_V.Pt(); ?

can u suggest how i can fix this, thanks

Yes, if Z12_V is a TLorentzVector (which it is) and not a TLorentzVector*, you should use . instead of -> when accessing its member functions.