Proper alignment of text bin labels


I have a simple question. If I use text for the Xaxis bin labels, I get them not properly aligned, depending on which letters I use. You can see what I mean in the simple example below, where one can compare, for example, “pow” with “flower” :slight_smile:

const UInt_t nchannels = 5;

TString channelLabel[nchannels] =

void testBinLabel()
  TGraphErrors* ge = new TGraphErrors(nchannels);

  ge->SetMarkerSize (1.4);

  for (UInt_t i=0; i<nchannels; i++) {
    ge->SetPoint     (i,   i, 1.5*(i + 3));
    ge->SetPointError(i, 0.5, 0.1*(i + 2));

  TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas();

  TAxis* xaxis = ge->GetXaxis();

  xaxis->SetLabelSize  (0.07);

  for (UInt_t i=0; i<nchannels; i++)
    xaxis->SetBinLabel(xaxis->FindBin(i), channelLabel[i].Data());


How can I fix it?


A brutal fix …

TString channelLabel[nchannels] =

Thank you Pepe Le Pew, but I hope there is a “non brutal” fix for this (apparently) simple problem of text alignment.

Another brutal fix …

TString channelLabel[nchannels] =

Well, you can also simply pretend it’s ART …

TString channelLabel[nchannels] =

I like the last (colorful) version, but I doubt a journal would accept it… :slight_smile:

Well, they may accept one of these, though I personally find them rather boring …

TString channelLabel[nchannels] =
    // Use "#color[0]" or "#color[19]" according to the value
    // returned by gPad->GetFillColor() or gStyle->GetCanvasColor()
    // so that the leading "|" character is NOT visible at all.
    // You may also use "{#int}" instead of "{|}".
TString channelLabel[nchannels] =
    // Use "#color[0]" or "#color[19]" according to the value
    // returned by gPad->GetFillColor() or gStyle->GetCanvasColor()
    // so that the leading "#bar{|}" character is NOT visible at all.
    // You may also use "{#int}" instead of "{|}".
TString channelLabel[nchannels] =

Thank you Pepe,

My final take is then

TString channelLabel[nchannels] =
