Process data with saved cuts as cut.C

Now it worked. Thanks @couet and @Wile_E_Coyote.:slightly_smiling_face:

500; const Double_t st = (tmx-tm)/(n-1); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) cutg2->SetPoint(i, 2.0-3.0*sin(tm + i * st), 2.0-3.0*cos(tm + i * st)); }

Suppose in this case, if I want to draw this cut several (let’s say 5) times [I mean 5 such cuts inside same plot], what is the way? Can I make a cut-array?

Can you give an example ?

I mean, (may be it won’t make sense) but…something like:

for (Int_t k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
cutg2[k] = …

Yes of course you can make array of anything but my worry was: how will you use that “array of cuts” in the TTree::Draw selection parameter ?

I have drawn axis using TGaxis and drawn the cut like: circ->Draw(); for a single case.

How to draw them as an array, I do not know! If you have any idea…please suggest!

If you make circ an array you can loop on the Draw() command like

for (int i=0, i<number_of_circ; i++) circ[i]->Draw();

Ok, Thanks!:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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