Problems with SetBranchAddress


I’m currently writing a script which merges two trees. Both trees contains mainly vectors; for ta they are strictly of length 3, while for tm they are of varying length > 3.

To actually do this, I’m using .SetBranchAddress to get each entry of the two trees. When I write out the entries to the console, most of my entries appears to be garbage values:

When I inspect the resulting merged tree, however, everything appears to be as expected, with no trace of these weird values. The changes I make (if the condition index==-1 triggers, I’ve verified that it does) are apparently not carried through.

Can you guys point out what I am doing wrong? I’ve tried looking around the forum and documentation for similar issues without finding anything.

    // open the root files
    TFile *fa = TFile::Open(apath);
    TFile *fm = TFile::Open(mpath);
    TTree *ta = (TTree *)fa->Get("a");
    TTree *tm = (TTree *)fm->Get("a101");

    // define variables from analyzed tree
    int mi[3], N;
    ta->SetBranchAddress("N", &N);
    ta->SetBranchAddress("mi", &mi);

    // define variables from matched tree
    // they all have length 100 to ensure there's space for all entries
    double FT[100], BT[100], FI[100], BI[100], FE[100], BE[100], ID[100]; 
    tm->SetBranchAddress("FI", &FI);
    tm->SetBranchAddress("FT", &FT);
    tm->SetBranchAddress("BI", &BI);
    tm->SetBranchAddress("BT", &BT);
    tm->SetBranchAddress("FE", &FE);
    tm->SetBranchAddress("BE", &BE);
    tm->SetBranchAddress("id", &ID);

    // define destination tree and set its branches
    double ft[3], bt[3], fi[3], bi[3], fe[3], be[3], id[3];
    string dest = "merged/" + p.filename().string();
    TFile f(dest.c_str(), "recreate");
    TTree t("tree", "merged tree for TDC calibration");
    t.Branch("FI", &fi, "FI[3]/I");
    t.Branch("BI", &bi, "BI[3]/I");
    t.Branch("FT", &ft, "FT[3]/I");
    t.Branch("BT", &bt, "BT[3]/I");
    t.Branch("FE", &fe, "FE[3]/D");
    t.Branch("BE", &be, "BE[3]/D");
    t.Branch("id", &id, "id[3]/I");

    // loop over every event in the analyzed tree ta
    for (double i = 0; i < ta->GetEntries(); i++) {
        tm->GetEntry(N); // N is the corresponding index in tm for each event in ta
        // loop over the three alpha particles
        // we use the multiplicity index mi to get the correct values
        int index;
        bool flag = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            index = mi[i];
            if (index == -1) { // if it is a reconstructed event
                ft[i] = 0;
                bt[i] = 0;
                fi[i] = -1;
                bi[i] = -1;
                fe[i] = 0;
                be[i] = 0;
                id[i] = -1;
                flag = true;
            else { // if it is a true event
                ft[i] = FT[index];
                bt[i] = BT[index];
                fi[i] = FI[index];
                bi[i] = BI[index];
                fe[i] = FE[index];
                be[i] = BE[index];
                id[i] = ID[index];
                cout << format("%1%, %2%, %3%, %4%, %5%, %6%, %7%") % FT[i] % BT[i] % FI[i] % BI[i] % FE[i] % BE[i] % ID[i] << endl;
        t.Fill(); // fill the entries into the merged tree t
    t.Write(); // write to disk

ROOT Version: 6.22/07

Attach the output of: ta->Print(); tm->Print();

Since there are a decent number of branches in both of them, I’ve removed those that aren’t relevant for the code above.


*Tree    :a         : a                                                      *
*Entries :   282534 : Total =        78122887 bytes  File  Size =   51224866 *
*        :          : Tree compression factor =   1.52                       *
*Br    0 :mul       : mul/I                                                  *
*Entries :   282534 : Total  Size=    1132494 bytes  File Size  =      53260 *
*Baskets :       21 : Basket Size=     666624 bytes  Compression=  12.51     *
*Br    1 :mi        : mi[3]/I                                                *
*Entries :   282534 : Total  Size=    3396525 bytes  File Size  =      78987 *
*Baskets :       63 : Basket Size=    1999360 bytes  Compression=  25.31     *
*Br   10 :N         : N/I                                                    *
*Entries :   282534 : Total  Size=    1132440 bytes  File Size  =     302824 *
*Baskets :       21 : Basket Size=     666624 bytes  Compression=   2.20     *


*Tree    :a101      : A calibrated/matched Howard style tree.                *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total =       136293919 bytes  File  Size =   71252209 *
*        :          : Tree compression factor =   1.91                       *
*Br    0 :mul       : mul/i                                                  *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=    4765069 bytes  File Size  =     486189 *
*Baskets :       64 : Basket Size=    1454592 bytes  Compression=   8.05     *
*Br    1 :___N___   : ___N___/i                                              *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=    4765349 bytes  File Size  =    1366173 *
*Baskets :       64 : Basket Size=    1455104 bytes  Compression=   2.86     *
*Br    2 :FI        : FI[mul]/i                                              *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=   10486020 bytes  File Size  =    2703655 *
*Baskets :      197 : Basket Size=    7109632 bytes  Compression=   3.19     *
*Br    3 :FT        : FT[mul]/i                                              *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=   10486020 bytes  File Size  =    3345432 *
*Baskets :      197 : Basket Size=    7109632 bytes  Compression=   2.57     *
*Br    4 :FE        : FE[mul]/D                                              *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=   16200404 bytes  File Size  =   10089312 *
*Baskets :      270 : Basket Size=    8851968 bytes  Compression=   1.32     *
*Br    5 :BI        : BI[mul]/i                                              *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=   10486020 bytes  File Size  =    2663664 *
*Baskets :      197 : Basket Size=    7109632 bytes  Compression=   3.23     *
*Br    6 :BT        : BT[mul]/i                                              *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=   10486020 bytes  File Size  =    4210311 *
*Baskets :      197 : Basket Size=    7109632 bytes  Compression=   2.05     *
*Br    7 :BE        : BE[mul]/D                                              *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=   16200404 bytes  File Size  =   10089315 *
*Baskets :      270 : Basket Size=    8851968 bytes  Compression=   1.32     *
*Br   10 :id        : id[mul]/i                                              *
*Entries :  1189650 : Total  Size=   10486020 bytes  File Size  =    2097932 *
*Baskets :      197 : Basket Size=    7109632 bytes  Compression=   4.10     *

At least:

    // define variables from matched tree
    UInt_t mul; tm->SetBranchAddress("mul", &mul); // "mul" SHOULD BE Int_t !!!
    // they all have length 100 to ensure there's space for all entries
    UInt_t FT[100], BT[100], FI[100], BI[100], ID[100]; 
    Double_t FE[100], BE[100];
    tm->SetBranchAddress("FI", &FI);
    // ...

Yeah that solved it. It’s even explicitly mentioned in the docs that one should verify the types, so I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself.

Thank you for the help.

Note: In principle “mul” should be an “Int_t” i.e. “mul/I” (not an “UInt_t” i.e. “mul/i”). If you can, recreate the “a101” tree. I guess @pcanal could say if this requirement has been “lifted” now and, if yes, starting with which ROOT version.

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