Problems with hadd


I have observed that hadd in some cases produces broken output files. From what I could see so far, this seems to happen whenever one is using it in a trivial case (just one input file), and the file contains TTree objects. If such a damaged output file is opened in a TBrowser and one attempts to draw the contents of any branch, one is greeted with a multitude of error messages like the following:
Error in TFile::ReadBuffer: error reading all requested bytes from file out_PeriodB2_TOPEL_Egamma_1jet_pretag.root, got 0 of 146

If such a file is then used in subsequent hadd commands, the resulting file is also damaged. For me this happens frequently, since I split my jobs into several files per period that need to be merged, and later on I usually also merge results for a set of periods.

I would guess that this case is very easy to catch in hadd.

Best regards


I can not reproduce this problem. Which version of ROOT are you using and can you try v5.32?


Hi Philippe,

thanks for your reply. The problem did indeed disappear in 5.32. I was using 5.30/00 before (sourced from /afs/

It’s probably no longer relevant, but if you want to reproduce it, here is a minimal example (just creating a TTree with one branch):

{ int RunNumber; TFile* f = new TFile("tree.root", "RECREATE"); TTree* t = new TTree("simpletree", "Simple Tree"); TBranch* b = t->Branch("RunNumber", &RunNumber, "RunNumber/I"); for (int i = 1; i < 10000; ++i) { RunNumber = i; t->Fill(); } f->Write(); f->Close(); }

Then hadd sum.root tree.root and open the files in a TBrowser. I observed that tree.root is filled as expected, but sum.root is damaged.



Please note that the problem is also fixed in the v5.30 patch branch (5.30/01 and up)
